8 Unusual Chocolate-Covered Foods

Olivia Putnal of Woman's Day has pictures and descriptions of eight unusual chocolate-covered foods, including crickets, Fritos, beef jerky, and squid. Pictured above is a chocolate-covered onion, which photographer Jean-Paul de Guzman described as eating a raw onion "followed by a bite off of a Hershey's chocolate bar."

http://www.womansday.com/Articles/Food/8-Curious-Chocolate-Covered-Creations.html via The Presurfer

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Just used hershey's as an example, as it's one of the only plain chocolate bars available.

they did not use hershey's as the chocolate to dip the onion in
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I'm sick of all this Hershey bashing, the fact is Milton Hershey came up with a product that was easily shipped and provided a sense of home for countless soldiers doing duty overseas and for that should be applauded.

I'm just kidding around, but I do like Hershey, it's kind of burny in the throat, I enjoy that, but I also eat hot sauces that literally exhaust me with the endorphins that get released.
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chocolate...covered...onion. Okay what chef got bored and said "Hey, let's dip random stuff in chocolate and see if we can sell it!"

The number one rule of dipping things in chocolate is to make sure the food you're dipping is normally eaten on its own without having to be dared.
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