Dog Fitted with £10,000 Bionic Leg

Coal the bulldog had cancer which led to the amputation of his paw. But his owner shelled out £10,000 for a titanium leg for the disabled dog! The benefit is not only his. Coal is also a research subject for new limb prosthetic techniques that will benefit injured humans.

Vet Noel Fitzpatrick told the Enfield Independent: 'This is unique in that its the world's only implant into which skin and bone grow. It is the holy grail of research.

'If you have an accident and your bone sticks out through your shin, skin will try to grow round it. People have been trying for this for years and years -because with this we get an umbrella of skin attached to the metal.'

Link - via dogcentral

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by rappin.

Comments (4)

That is bionic? There are no electronics, it's simply a titanium implant that is allow the bone to grow on it and is attached to a solid metal boot. Bad newspaper. Nothing bionic about it.
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