Not for the squeamish. At first glance, it seems improbable and downright impossible, but inmates are actually attempting to stand out from the crowd by having ink injected into the whites of their eyes. DamnCoolPics has a bit more information on the procedure:
Because the we had trouble getting the ink under the surface (and were able to “wash” it out of the small needle incisions), we tried the second procedure, on Josh using a 29ga needle and syringe, thinning down the ink very slightly with an antibiotic eyewash. Since the goal was simply to blanket the white of the eye in color, there wasn’t a need for fine detail. The first injection was shallow and appeared to dissipate on the surface, but the second injection was at the perfect level and formed a dark bubble of ink just over the sclera (in the third picture you can see some of the ink running back out of the injection hole).
Link. (via Cynical-C)
Prison is not a fun place, and people go to a lot of extremes to survive there, which tends to mark them for life, just as much as that prison record does.
infection and cysts will follow.
also, I wouldn't call prisoners the masses. There are a lot of them, but I don't see this happening at large.
also, @Robolasse I dare you to call them that. lol
It's a fact of life that people with weird body modifications (and this is pretty weird) will have difficulty getting jobs. It's all about appearing professional. Frankly, if you're willing to do something that bizarre to your own eyes, it must be more difficult to convince an employer that you won't do insane stuff at the workplace.
modern theory on why our eyes are white is that it's a useful adaption for hunting - it allows us to more easily communicate non-verbally using eye gestures. Yelling or waving arms are more likely to get you killed by a predator or starve to death through not catching prey.
This is a loose theory though as eyes don't fossilize.
It's not for everyone obviously (myself included), but it's just another extreme form of body modification. No one bats an eye anymore at someone with their earlobes all stretched out, or piercings all in their face. No one gives a crap anymore when they see people walking around with tattoos all over their body.
If this catches on, then I'm sure this will be just another thing we'll get used to and won't think twice about.
Or for people who have eye color they're unhappy with and want to go from like blue to green or brown.
The rest is just silly. This guy looks freaky and not "ooh freaky cool"
just... "theres a guy who makes stupid choices. Freak."
I'm being serious, too. I can express myself just fine without looking like some halfwit savage.
I'm divided on whether or not I wish blindness or horrible infections on them; my tax dollars would have to pay for that, but on the other hand it'd give me the warm fuzzies. I'd have to think about it some more and get back to you.
Concerning this "gettin a master in computer science"; you must understand there is a big difference between going to school and then actually getting a job afterwards. Being in school does not automatically assure you of employment. Many (smart) students who earn degrees wind up working McJobs for years or return to study in other fields, so let's not give credit where it's not yet due.
If you think you can impose your weird self-expression on your employers, good luck. The world just doesn't work that way yet. Personal appearance still counts for a lot, even in jobs where you do not work with the public. Employers everywhere would rather hire people who do not appear to live for the moment or make rash choices.
And honestly, given your language and typing skills, I would not even hire you to clean up my desktop or dust my tower. I'd rather hire someone who isn't too lazy/ignorant to hit the apostrophe or shift keys.
It's not stupid it's comited
It's not savage it's post-tribal
It's not yours to understand if you don't get it
In my opinion it is fantastic!
Stretchy-holed ears are just plain gross.
And Zaulankris, don't feed the trolls.