New Trend In Prison: Tattoo Your Eyes!

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Not for the squeamish.  At first glance, it seems improbable and downright impossible, but inmates are actually attempting to stand out from the crowd by having ink injected into the whites of their eyes.  DamnCoolPics has a bit more information on the procedure:

Because the we had trouble getting the ink under the surface (and were able to “wash” it out of the small needle incisions), we tried the second procedure, on Josh using a 29ga needle and syringe, thinning down the ink very slightly with an antibiotic eyewash. Since the goal was simply to blanket the white of the eye in color, there wasn’t a need for fine detail. The first injection was shallow and appeared to dissipate on the surface, but the second injection was at the perfect level and formed a dark bubble of ink just over the sclera (in the third picture you can see some of the ink running back out of the injection hole).

Link.  (via Cynical-C)

It's not likely to, unless they some how go too deep. Besides, better that they don't, do you want your taxpayer dollars to be spent repairing the damage?
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Well, whatever floats their boat. Looks interesting, but definitely not something I'd ever think of doing lol. Lord knows there are a lot of people who would do that though. They're probably keeping it secret in hopes of charging for it when they're out of prison. Good for them, go make that money a legal way :P
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That is a good idea when you know you are going to be in prison for a long time. It ups the intimidation factor 100x. More than likely, you'd be left alone by the other inmates who would fear you (on a primal/subconscious level), and would probably not want to rape you.

Prison is not a fun place, and people go to a lot of extremes to survive there, which tends to mark them for life, just as much as that prison record does.
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I've had this done for about three years now, and came up with the injection procedure. As long as no damage is done during the injection (too much, too deep, infection, etc) the odds of causing future problems are basically zero.
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These guys have nothing better to do. I completely understand doing crazy things to stand out while you are in prison but what about when you get out? The one guy only had four years to serve. He is basically going to be an outcast of society now for the rest of his life.
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This isn't exactly new, I guess it started at that body-mod site community some years ago (more than 3, actually). But only now the stupidity of this process has reached the masses. There's nothing to loose (for them) anyway.
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^ *lose.
also, I wouldn't call prisoners the masses. There are a lot of them, but I don't see this happening at large.

also, @Robolasse I dare you to call them that. lol
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At least we'll be able to tell who is who when they come out of the prison. Whenever you see moron with eyes like this, stay away from him... or even better, report him to the first police officer you see. If he is capable of doing something like this, he obviously never wanted to have "normal" like in the first place. By "normal" I mean, start from the scratch and look for job... not going back to prison and sitting in, wasting all our tax money mother fuckers!
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I think I'll go for a pair of scleral contacts instead. Safer, quicker, easier and you're not jamming pigments directly into your eyeball. And you can remove them once halloween is over.
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Mr. Bigglesworth, good job at perpetuating the idea that it's how you look, not what you do, that is the main point in whether you'll get a job or not. Really, it's ideas like that that are by far more detrimental to society as a whole than the few people who choose to have their eyes "tattooed" or are otherwise modified.
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Seriously, MrPumpernickel, I doubt even McDonalds would hire someone who looks like they just had their eyeballs melon-balled out. Maybe a Wal-Mart greeter...?

It's a fact of life that people with weird body modifications (and this is pretty weird) will have difficulty getting jobs. It's all about appearing professional. Frankly, if you're willing to do something that bizarre to your own eyes, it must be more difficult to convince an employer that you won't do insane stuff at the workplace.
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For K!P,

modern theory on why our eyes are white is that it's a useful adaption for hunting - it allows us to more easily communicate non-verbally using eye gestures. Yelling or waving arms are more likely to get you killed by a predator or starve to death through not catching prey.
This is a loose theory though as eyes don't fossilize.
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I don't see this as moronic at all and am surprised actually at the number of people that do.
It's not for everyone obviously (myself included), but it's just another extreme form of body modification. No one bats an eye anymore at someone with their earlobes all stretched out, or piercings all in their face. No one gives a crap anymore when they see people walking around with tattoos all over their body.
If this catches on, then I'm sure this will be just another thing we'll get used to and won't think twice about.
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I'd be in favor of Eye tatoo'ing done for people who have Heterochromia (on the iris though, not the white).
Or for people who have eye color they're unhappy with and want to go from like blue to green or brown.
The rest is just silly. This guy looks freaky and not "ooh freaky cool"
just... "theres a guy who makes stupid choices. Freak."
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All y"all need to do is shut the fuck up u cant be goin around judgin ppl for they act . They can do wateva they want if their fuckin lifes and i never been in jain im fuckin 23 years old gettin a master in computer science i bet u none y"all have even a bachelor ....and i work with nyc transit makin 70 a year and i got eyes tattos so was the deal fuckin ppl stop judgin ppl god is the only one that could do that
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I love it when people brand themselves. Excessive piercings, ridiculous tattoos, inks, etc... all perfect for announcing "I am retarded". Great early warning system to better aid me in slamming the door on their faces if I ever see them.

I'm being serious, too. I can express myself just fine without looking like some halfwit savage.

I'm divided on whether or not I wish blindness or horrible infections on them; my tax dollars would have to pay for that, but on the other hand it'd give me the warm fuzzies. I'd have to think about it some more and get back to you.
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@ "Guest"

Concerning this "gettin a master in computer science"; you must understand there is a big difference between going to school and then actually getting a job afterwards. Being in school does not automatically assure you of employment. Many (smart) students who earn degrees wind up working McJobs for years or return to study in other fields, so let's not give credit where it's not yet due.

If you think you can impose your weird self-expression on your employers, good luck. The world just doesn't work that way yet. Personal appearance still counts for a lot, even in jobs where you do not work with the public. Employers everywhere would rather hire people who do not appear to live for the moment or make rash choices.

And honestly, given your language and typing skills, I would not even hire you to clean up my desktop or dust my tower. I'd rather hire someone who isn't too lazy/ignorant to hit the apostrophe or shift keys.
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It's not moronic it's inventive
It's not stupid it's comited
It's not savage it's post-tribal
It's not yours to understand if you don't get it

In my opinion it is fantastic!
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I work with a girl who has holes in her bottom lip. They've healed, but are still scarred. She wishes she never had her lip pierced, now that's she's old enough to know better.

Stretchy-holed ears are just plain gross.

And Zaulankris, don't feed the trolls.
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to all you assholes acting like just because some one has an eye tattoo makes them a criminal or evil person , i know why dont we go around and put all thoes people in a camp, next we get all the people that have regular tattoos on their skin and put them in a camp too, then we get all the blacks put them in a camp, then the jews, then the mexicans, then anyone who doestn fit our personal vision of what the world should be, then we systematicly start exterminating them, using fumes from car motors, and we burn the bodies and use the fumes from the burning bodies to help with the gassing of the rest of the untouchables, soon we will have our very own utopia of just one person left and when they die the human race will be gone forever, get my point? its their fucking bodies, if i want to tattoo my eyes i am allowed to do so, if i want to smoke pot,i should be allowed to do so, if i want to drink a beer i am allowed to do so, or if i want to tattoo my eye i should be allowed to do so, fuck all you assholes that are saying "we know who the bad guys are" and "go tell a cop" you bitches are bigoted fucktards, i have tattoos and i used to smoke lots of pot, i never hurt anyone ,i never robbed anyone, i never hurt children women or men, i am a very kind and caring person, you dickless shittards that are acting with blind hatred of people, are the ones that need to be locked away, fuck you its my body i'll do with it i see fit
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