Archive for January 8th, 2010

AP Calculus Rap

(YouTube Link) Jordan Breindel of Urlesque compiled thirteen student-made music videos about Advanced Placement courses and tests available in many American high schools. Those subjects featured are: calcu...

The Wooden Textiles of Elisa Strozyk

Artist Elisa Strozyk took discarded wood veneer, sliced it into tiny triangles, and repurposed it into an upholstery replacement. The end result looks like a pixelated image which can be used to cover chairs, couche...

Self-Feeding Robot Hunts For Power Outlets

(YouTube Link) Roombas and similar commercially-available robots can plug themselves into docking stations when they need to recharge. But that requires having a designated recharging station. Marvin, a robot by I...

Invisibility Device a Hypothetical Possibility?

A physicist at Fudan University in China is working on a material that might be used to render objects invisible: The fluid proposed by Ji-Ping Huang of Fudan University in Shanghai, China, and colleagues, contain...

What If The Big Lebowski Had Been Written By William Shakespeare?

Writer Adam Bertocci imagined the movie The Big Lebowski as a play by William Shakespeare entitled The Two Gentlemen of Lebowski. From Act 1, Scene 2: [The bowling green. Enter THE KNAVE, WALTER...

New Trend In Prison: Tattoo Your Eyes!

(YouTube Link) Not for the squeamish.  At first glance, it seems improbable and downright impossible, but inmates are actually attempting to stand out from the crowd by having ink injected into the whites of their...

The Cable Connector Quiz

Today's Lunchtime Quiz at mental_floss is a lot of fun, especially for someone like me who spent decades connecting audio-video equipment professionally. I'm sure you will enjoy it, too! Can you identify ten differen...

Select a Book from the "Weird Books Room"

AbeBooks (U.K.) has a Weird Book Room, which they describe as... "...the finest source of everything that's bizarre, odd and downright weird in books. We now have 101 crazy and strange titles about every oddball aspect...

The Deadly and Beautiful Crystal Cave

[caption id="attachment_28704" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo: Carsten Peter, Speleoresearch & Films"][/caption] A geological wonder of immense proportions and intense beauty can be found in the Ch...

Happy Birthday, Stephen Hawking!

While people all over the world are marking the 75th anniversary of the birth of Elvis Presley, we would like to give a big shout out to a treasure who is still with us -University of Cambridge professor emeritus Stephen...

Ten Places You'll Never Go

Listverse details ten sites around the globe that are strictly forbidden to the general public.  No matter how much you’d like to see The Vatican Secret Archive, Club 33, Area 51 or the inside of Ise Grand Shrine (lef...

Watch for Falling Iguanas

Unusually cold temperatures in southern Florida are causing a novel problem -falling iguanas. Iguanas are an invasive species in Florida due to pet owners abandoning the lizards. When the temperature falls below 40 degre...

25 Big Cat Pictures

Learn about the different species of big cats as you enjoy photographs by zoo photographer and "cat whisperer" Akishin Vyacheslav. Shown is a leopard with startling blue eyes. Link -via Digg cats, lions, tigers, big...

11 Most Painfully Obvious Newspaper Articles Ever

Maybe writers aren't aware how their copy inspires a "Duh!" reaction. Or maybe they are trying to entertain us to make up for a boring story. Either way, these headlines and newspaper clips are funny enough to ensure...

Peeping Tom Photographs Himself

Police in Cheshire, England are investigating the case of a man who installed a camera in a fitting room at the Asda department store. Finding him should be easy as he left crucial evidence behind. A police spokesman sai...

Shaving a Fly's Penis with a Laser

Male flies have penises covered with spines and hooks. To figure out what the purpose of those spines are, researchers Michal Polak and Arash Rashed removed the spines to see what would happen. Their spines are too...

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