Pink Snow in Fargo

It's not a weather anomaly, but an art project. Stevie Famulari used a weed sprayer to paint the snow on her Fargo lawn pink!
Famulari is an environmental artist and a landscape architecture professor at North Dakota State University.

She changes the color of her snow with each new layer that falls. She plans to paint the next snowfall a purplish blue and the one after that will be black.

She chose her colors to become darker as the season progresses. When the snow melts, she expects the older layers to be revealed.

Famulari says she will not paint the snow yellow. Oh yes, she also paints her lawn in the summer. -via Unique Daily

(image credit: David Samson/The Forum)

Yeah, I'm not sure how this is leftist, either. Maybe it's a joke about pinko commie liberals?

Anyway, it's her lawn. I'm not sure it's an eyesore. Do we really want everything to be neat and 1950's uniformly tidy? I think it would be interesting to see.

Although I do think the black will look awfully tacky. Black never blends well with lighter colours.
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i totally went out with a spray bottle and food coloring last year when it snowed...i had a tie-dyed hedge outside my melted in a week...was funny while it lasted, took entirely too much food coloring though
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I've seen her on Food Network Challenge. This is right in line with her other wackadoo works of art. I I can't believe she is a professor at a university; from the way she works I'm surprised she can make her own breakfast in the morning.
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If she paints the top layers a dark color, they will just dye the snow below them as the season progresses.

The dye will mix with whatever color is below it, resulting in black slop this coming spring.

Either she didn't think this through, or the reporter got it wrong.
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^ exactly. The snow begins to melt and the color disapates. You get a mottled effect of color as the snow melts during the day and refreezes overnight.

I used to make sculpture in the snow, then paint them with a weed sprayer.
At least I tried to be more creative, than just painting the snow.
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