Dragging a Coke Machine Down the Road

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Nicholas Nunley needed a little cash, so he did what anyone would do -he hooked a Coke machine to his car and drove off! Deputies from the McMinn County Sheriff's department in Riceville, Tennessee chased Nunley as sparks flew from the dragging machine Wednesday morning. The Coke machine eventually disconnected from the car, but Nunley drove on. He pulled over after a nearly five mile chase. Nunley was charged with theft and resisting arrest. http://www.nbc-2.com/Global/story.asp?S=11764287 -via Arbroath

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I'm not seeing the need for a drawn gun, though. "Yes , your honor, I shot him because his Coke machine made a threatening gesture, while lying on the ground."
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People do have to pay for stuff like that, Zavatone. It's restitution, and it's often added to the sentence along with jail time and court costs.

I'm just wondering how the thief got the idea that this little caper could pay off. What a dumbass.
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