Archive for January 2nd, 2010

New Paper Airplane Flight Record Achieved

A Japanese man has set a new world record for "maximum time aloft" for a paper airplane. With a bend of the knees and an arch of the back, a Japanese engineer today set a world flight record for a paper plane, keeping h...

Zeitguised's Imaginative Shorts

Vimeo user zeitguised has quite an array of entertaining art pieces on his profile.  This is my favorite, but I also really liked "The Zoo." The blending of impossible scenes with crystal clear sound effects wins me ove...

Which of These Figures is "Kiki?" And Which is "Bouba?"

"95% to 98% of people choose kiki for the angular shape and bouba for the rounded one... Even 2.5 year-old children (too young to read) show this effect." "Ramachandran and Hubbard suggest the kiki/bou...

The World Will Not End in 2012

Those Mayan priests were way off base.  The correct date for the end of the world is May 21, 2011. Harold Camping has announced that this new date corrects his previous incorrect prediction that the world would end i...

Bacon Popcorn

The ultimate mashup: the fabulous taste of bacon meets the irresistible texture of popcorn.  Just in time for the Superbowl. You know it was inevitable. Stacy predicted it in March on Neatorama, with a notable lack o...

New Year's Ball Drop

No, not that Ball Drop.  The Science Museum of Western Virginia hosted this superball drop at noon on New Year's.  About 11,000 balls were dropped, and the kids loved it. (YouTube Link) We were stationed on the...

What Is the Most Complex Language in the World?

The Economist has an article about how languages can be said to be, comparatively speaking, more or less complex. The grand prize for most complex language goes to one in the Amazon: With all that in min...

Orangutan Mom Sings to Her Baby

If you've ever sung a lullaby to your baby, you've just mimicked an orangutan: turns out orangutan moms sing to make their babies happy.Eyes closed, hand on heart, this orang-utan mother appears to be belting out a b...

Best Man Robbed DJ at Wedding Reception

We've covered a whole lot of strange crimes here on Neatorama, but this one takes the (wedding) cake: when Nadia Clay and Terrance Simmons tied the knot, their best man pulled a gun and robbed the DJ ... at the wedding r...

Divorced After 20 Years Together, Remarried After 1 Month Apart

After 20 years being married, Jan and Lee Jones decided to get divorced. A month later, they decided that they though married life was tough, they couldn't live apart ... so they got remarried!They decided to separat...

Lost That Lovin' Feelin'? Blame The Neutrophins!

Have you lost that "lovin' feelin'"? The Righteous Brothers may not know it when they sang the number-one hit single in 1965, but you can blame a hormone called neutrophin:A team from the University of Pisa...

Danish Cartoonist Hid in Panic Room During Home Attack

When Danish political cartoonist Kurt Westergaard was attacked at home by an ax-wielding man, he didn't lock himself in the bathroom - instead, he utilized the panic room:Westergaard took his 5-year-old granddaughter...

Infographic of the Decade

Phillip Niemeyer created an infographic of the big subjects of each year of the past decade for the New York Times. This is just a small part of the chart, which you can enlarge at the link. Keep in mind, this is on...

Today is a Palindrome

January 2, 2010 is a palindrome, at least in countries that write the date in the mm/dd/yyyy form. Personally, I've been writing the date without initial zeros, like 12-3-9, but that's just me. Who notices such thing...

Man Gets Arrested to Avoid Spending New Year's Eve with Family

An ingenious solution to a common problem: The 35-year-old Sicilian first showed up at a police station on Thursday (local time) asking to be arrested because he preferred spending the night in prison rather than...

The "Café Wall" Optical Illusion

[youtube=] YouTube link. Similar in principle to the "tile illusion" previously posted at Neatorama, this one was named after a pattern noticed on the wall of a café on St M...

Welcoming 2010 in Pictures

The Big Picture has photographs from all over the world illustrating the different ways people celebrate the new year. Yes, there are plenty of fireworks, but also bonfires, skits, costumes, swimming, praying, gunfir...

The Leaning Tower of Liuzhou

(Live Leak link) A building demolition in Liuzhou, China went horribly wrong on Wednesday. Experts planned for the building to be split in two, but they expected both halves to fall down. Instead, one half of the 22...

How To Pronounce The Year Correctly: Twenty Ten

The people at "Twenty Not Two Thousand" are worried that because people said "two thousand and nine," this habit may carry over for the present year. Don't let it happen! It's easily the most inef...

Growing Up Heroes

Superman and Batman (1977)Growing up Heroes is a fascinating tumblr blog by Belgian comic book fan Franz Donovan, where people submit their old childhood photos of themselves dressed up as superheroes. From Wired's Under...

Roller Skating Wedding

Photo: michelle.hayes [Flickr]Who says that wedding gowns have to be white and traditional? Check out these fantastic photos of Liz and Dave's roller skating-themed wedding by photographer Michelle Hayes: http://michelle...

Automatic Holy Water Dispenser

Just because it's holy water, it doesn't mean that it's also sterile water! To guard against swine flu, Italian inventor Luciano Marabrese invented the automatic holy water dispenser:The terracotta dispenser, used in...

How Wizard of Oz Should Have Logically Ended

A journey to the Emerald City? Meeting strangers that have no brain, no heart and no courage? Getting attacked by flying monkeys? If you think about it, the Wizard of Oz is needlessly long and complicated. The folks ov...

Wireless Spy Camera Scanner

If you've got a loved one whose motto is "just because you're paranoid, it doesn't mean they're not out to get you," then this is the perfect gift: a scanner for wireless spy camera!This portable detector...

Dangerous Minds + Harry Potter = Dangerous Wands

If you've ever wondered what a Dangerous Minds and Harry Potter mashup would look like, the geniuses at College Humor have got it for you.Behold, Dangerous Wands, where a grown-up Hermione Granger wen...

Dumbo Octopus With ... Shoes?!

Photo: Mbari (2003)We've featured Grimpoteuthis AKA the Dumbo octopus (look at its ears) before on Neatorama, but I couldn't resist this photo from The Deep, a book by French documentary film producer Claire Nou...

Did Van Gogh Slash His Ear Because of the Letter in This Painting?

In December of 1888, Vincent Van Gogh cut off the lobe of his left ear with a razor.  Many explanations have been offered for this bizarre behavior.  Now a scholar claims to have found an explanation in the portrayal o...

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