The staff at the Great Yarmouth Sea Life Centre in Norfolk, England learned their lesson last year, when farting turtles set off overflow alarms at another aquarium. The turtles get a Christmas treat of Brussels sprouts, which cause gas in turtles as they do in humans. When feeding sprouts to the turtles this year, the Norfolk aquarium lowered the water level to keep the expected bubbles from splashing water and setting off sensors.
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(image credit: Flickr user pkingDesign)
Now the Yarmouth turtle tank -12 feet in depth and width holding 250,000 litres of water along with George the 3ft long green turtle - has been partially emptied for the festive season.
Thousands of litres have been removed to lower the water by a six inches and keep the sensitive alarms clear.
Displays Supervisor Christine Pitcher said: ''Last time an aquariist had to dash to the centre in the middle of the night, so we're not going to take any chances.
''Sprouts are really healthy for green turtles.
''The high levels of calcium in them are great for their shells, the fibre is good for their digestion and they also contain lots of beneficial Vitamin C, sulphur and potassium.''
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(image credit: Flickr user pkingDesign)
Comments (5)
My girl still hasn't forgiven me. And months later the dog has a look of shame every time she farts.
Its almost as creative as that Lego video game video, though both could have used some Star Wars references to insure audience recognition.
lol! This is pretty cute. What song was the Pandora song parodying?
"read the ads, and it's almost like paying..."