Could anything be cuter than a baby panda climbing out of a crib? I don't think so. Wen Li the cub tried her great escape at the Chengdu Giant Panda Research Institute in China.
Go see the whole series of pictures. Link -via Unique Daily
Unfortunately, her sense of balance is still a bit wobbly and she toppled over the side, ending up with little more than an upside-down view of the inside of her pen.
The failed attempt did not appear to deter Wen Li, however. She was later spotted in what seems to be her favourite position once more - dangling from the edge of her playpen again.
Go see the whole series of pictures. Link -via Unique Daily
Newest 5 Comments
Can anything be more frigtening than a panda Crawling into a crib filled with babies?
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Can I have a panda bear for Christmas, mom?
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Good God, I never comment here but I'm delurking to say OW, MY TEETH. That's the sweetest set of photos I've clicked on all month. :-) No wonder her mother is 'exhausted.'
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Epic cuteness!
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Holy crap... that is just straight up adorable!!!
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