Watch videos of ten child prodigies in action, in the fields of medicine, geography, music, business, and of course school subjects like science and math. Shown is Adi Putra Ghani, who gives lectures on business even though he's only ten years old!
From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Sweetgirl88.
Comments (5)
Long live Charlotte Church! (Charlotte WHO?!?!) lol...
She has an amazing memory, able to retain a huge number of facts that interest her. Things 'that interest her' being the important part to me. We could have sat her down in front of a world map at the age of one or so & gotten her to learn it pretty quickly, I'm sure. No, didn't want to do it for the grandstanding factor. She could name many many children's programme character's, animals, foods at that age, but we didn't boast about it to the world.
I hope these gifted children find some normality in their adult lives.
Midori Goto was a great violinist, but at age 15 she couldn't take any more, and quit professional violin for quite a while...even prodigies need to pace themselves.