Leather Belts Recycled Into Flooring

The design blog Dornob has a post describing flooring made from recycled leather belts, including rugs and floor tiles. They're pricey, at about $70 per square foot. So Dornob suggests that you could make your own:

If you are looking for a cheaper alternative approach, however, local vintage clothing stores may sell a belt for a few dollars. After finding a few choice samples, it is just a matter of figuring out the best way to put them together. For the do-it-yourself craft-oriented individual, part of the fun lies in the creative process – choosing the right hues of faded black, brown, red and orange like in the first (wonderfully muted-but-colorful) example.

Link via DudeCraft

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wowee these floors look amazing...gotta admit using old belts like that would never ever come to mind...but now that I've seen it ..well it looks amazingly pretty...I'll have to give it a try ...but considering it's $70 per sq. foot..I think I'm gonna go the do-it-yourself way :)
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Jen Hunter : Yes, maybe as a seat cover on a nice chair or under a glass table top? Leather on the walls could be cool, too... The floor just doesn't make sense to me, I can also imagine it getting scuffed up and ratty looking, shredding in high traffic areas.

It does look amazing, though!
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