over 9000 is old, newf**. rick astley: no moar evar, too old. goatse: old. shaycarl: mainstream media forced meme. chtulhu: ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn, playa.
everyone here sounds like they've spent a few hours reading wikis on encyclopaedia dramatica.
@poppedculture: I think 95% of this image is actually better considered 'pop culture references' as opposed to 'meme'. In fact, I'm not sure I saw -anything- in there which I'd classify as a meme - well, ceiling cat is part of the lolcat meme, and pedobear is... well, not really a meme, honestly.
Comments (17)
everyone here sounds like they've spent a few hours reading wikis on encyclopaedia dramatica.
T*TS OR GTFO as always.