Google Redraws the Map

NORAD has been tracking Santa every year since 1958. In 2007, Google Maps and Google Earth got involved with following Santa's progress on Christmas Eve. As often happens with new projects, something went awry in 2008. Jeff Martin, a senior marketing manager at Google Geo, found himself in hot water quickly.
Inexplicably, as Santa made his way through Toronto that night last year, the mapping software began identifying the city as being in the United States. Instantly, NORAD Santa's dedicated Gmail account "just lit up" with messages from irate Canadians, Martin said, and quickly, the Google team fixed the problem.

But not before Martin's run-in with Canadian Lt. Gen. Marcel Duval. "He said, 'I understand that you have a new American city,'" Martin recalled. "It was a slightly tense moment for me, standing in front of a three-star general explaining to him why one of his cities had been designated as a United States city."

Read more about how the NORAD Santa Tracker came about and the technology used in the program today. Link -Thanks, Vince d'Eon!

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uhhh this just shows how little there is to do in Canada. they obvisously knew it was a mistake, they didnt have to get a (supposedly) highly paid dude to "investigatE" a mistake over GOOGLE?! its Google, not the United Nations. Obvisously when google makes a mistake the Canadians take it VERY seriously, cuz google is god, you kno?
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