The Known Universe

(YouTube Link)

Take a journey billions of light years away and back home again.  The American Museum of Natural History has this video called The Known Universe that starts near snowy Mt. Everest and, like Powers of Ten, pulls out and away from Earth to the rest of what we know is out there.

The structure of The Known Universe is based on precise, scientifically-accurate observations and research. The Hayden Planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History maintains the Digital Universe Atlas, the world’s most complete four-dimensional map of the universe.

Directed by Carter Emmart, this clip begs for full screen and HD.  via kottke.

it makes me think of what my astronomy professor once said, Earth is nothing more then a speck of sand on a beach. what lives on a speck of sand on a beach? us, humans. and we "say" there's nothing out there... HA!
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Really helps put in to perspective just how tiny we are.
I hope one day we'll be able to travel the universe and find those other little specks of intelligence out there.
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Gorgeous update on "Cosmic Zoom", an 8 min. animated short directed by Eva Szasz for the National Film Board of Canada.

Watch on NFB site for best quality:

Available also on YouTube:

But the colors are very washed out even in HQ.
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