Pong Prom is a video game/art project developed by Ed Keeble modeled on the 1972 video game Pong. Users were special hoodies with display panels on the front. They control the paddles by moving their partners back and forth in a slow-dancing motion:
The project uses the Lilypad Arduino platform to control game play, run the display, and communicate between devices. Patches of conductive fabric on the shoulders, hips, and cuffs of the shirts are used to create a serial connection between the Arduinos. An accelerometer attached at the back of the neck allows each player to control their game paddle by rocking their partner back and forth.
In the links, you can find a video demonstrating the system.
http://covertathletics.com/pongprom.html via Technabob | Video Demonstration | Photo: Department of Covert Athletics
Newest 1 Comment
Wrong, wrong, wrong. They should be side hugging.
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