Archive for December 16th, 2009

Simon's Cat: 'Snow Business'

(YouTube Link) Simon Tofield's series of animated shorts about his cat are a regular feature here at Neatorama. In Tofield's latest episode, the cat encounters snow for the first time and is nearby bested by an adv...

Man Puts Rocket Launchers On His Motorcycle

YouTube user jairust mounted bottle rockets on his motorcycle. He writes: Before you comment on safety remember that they are made of cardboard and balsa wood. You can buy them at walmart, they don't have exp...

The Soviet Union's Bizarre Star Wars Promotional Posters

This Blog Rules has pictures of four promotional posters for the censored and modified Star Wars movies released in the Soviet Union. They look surreal, like something out of Brazil rather...

Artsy Marriage Proposal

Artist Guy Shield proposed to his girlfriend Liz through a series of folded, sequential illustrations. He invested a lot of time in process, and you can read his sweet, romantic, and heavily-illustrated story at the...

Using A Wiimote As An Alternative To Scientific Sensors

Laboratory-grade measuring instruments can be pricey, but some enterprising scientists are finding that the Nintendo Wii controller can serve as an alternative: The Wiimote can track just about anything: All t...

Those Magnificent Men In Their Flying Machines

Tomorrow marks the 106th anniversary of man's affair with flight.  Orville and Wilbur Wright developed fixed wing aircraft, as well as the controls that provide heavier-than-air powered flight.  On December 17, 1903, t...

What If the Earth Had Rings Like Saturn?

(YouTube Link) This computer-generated animation by Roy Prol imagines the Earth as a ringed planet, such as Saturn or Uranus. First, it addresses the orientation of the rings, and then shows what they would look li...

Infographics About Chocolate That Are Made Out of Chocolate

The French design firm 5.5 designed a few infographics for the Spanish chocolatier ChocolatFactory. Each is made out of actual chocolate. Pictured above is a set of domes that represent different cocoa contents, wi...

The 30 Most Memorable Mug Shots Of 2009

We are being inundated with not only end-of-the-year lists, but also end-of-the-decade lists. It's nice to look back at the biggest news stories, sports highlights, and the best photographs, but I prefer the offbeat lis...


(YouTube link) The company that produces Help Stop Snoring, a UK product, asked snorers to send in recordings of their snores. The sounds were assembled into a song for an ad. Link -via ArbroathMusic, Advertising, s...

The 27 Craziest Menorahs

A Hello Kitty menorah? Yes, it's just one of a collection of off-the-walll menorahs at Urlesque. The Star Trek menorah we featured recently is in there, as well as a menorahs shaped like a moose, a cat, a Jeep, and s...

The "Click-Out" Art of Michael Johansson

Artist Michael Johansson makes full-sized objects that look like plastic click-out models. The dingy pictured above, entitled "Toys 'R' Us", is a 1:1 scale model made from functional boating equipment and a welded m...

Man Delivers Baby With Instructions Found On Internet

When Emma Smith of Leytonstone, UK, went into labor, her husband Leroy realized that they wouldn't be able to get to the hospital in time. He then used his BlackBerry to find instructions online on how to deliver a chil...

Underground Hill House

A home built underground that still has a breathtaking view! This is green living presented in totally inovative way. You'll find this home in Vals, Switzerland, a design of SeArch and Christian Müller Architects....

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