Worlds Largest Windfarm Coming to Oregon

The contract has been signed for the Shepherds Flat wind farm in Oregon, which will cover 30 square miles, and is expected to generate 2 billion kilowatt hours of energy every year. That will provide 10% of the power California needs! Good to see we are finally moving forward with green technology.

Independent power producer Caithness Energy has awarded GE a $1.4 billion contract for 338 of the company's most advanced wind turbines to build a 845-megawatt wind farm in Oregon -- a size that outstrips all others currently operating worldwide.


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by digimouse.

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yes please, please don't tell me you're going to flush all your credibility by saying you believe in the Algore tax increase/ socialist/ money-grab fraud.
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Just as no one talks about how solar cells degrade over time, no one talks about the 800lb gorilla in the wind farm: storm damage and maintenance.

How many of those units will still be operating 5 or 10 or 15 years from now? And how much will it cost per year to keep everything going?

Florida Power and Light is building a series of 400ft windmills right beside the Port St.Lucie nuclear power plant, which kept right on chugging when we had a Cat3 hurricane a couple of years ago.... who will pay when those 200ft blade go flying across the county during the NEXT series of hurricanes???? (and why would anyone build a wind farm in a hurricane zone?)
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@joenapalm Just because a lot of people support something, does not make it the best, or right (or vice versa of course) idea. A whole population can easily be lead astray with confusing propaganda. ie: Most people in some countries believe it is right to stone a woman when her husband has cheated on her.
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