Poetry Clock

I'm not sure how it works, but this 8-ft by 8-ft clock by artist Miss Moun displays the time by selectively lighting up words in a poem. Three words are always lit, and each word represents either the hour, minute, or second. The piece is entitled "6 Is for Blossom", and you can view more pictures at the link.

http://www.missmoun.com/index.php?/project/6-is-for-blossom/ via Gizmodo | Photo: Miss Moun

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Neat concept. I imagine some times of day are more profound than others. Perhaps eventually causing the user to have an unusual excitement over particularly odd times.

swissonian: I can has adventure timepiece?
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slowly I grow tired of designer clocks where you first have to solve three riddles according to the positions of the planets in the solar system and rescue the golden baby out of a dragons stomach to know what time it is.
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