Archive for December 11th, 2009

Neatorama Christmas Special: Road Mice Computer Mouse

Ford GT Red/White Stripes - $58.95 Road Mice - Corvette (Black) Wireless Mouse Road Mice - M...

A Peek Into Pixar Studios

I've always thought there was something magical about the Pixar Studio's compound located in the San Francisco Bay Area, but getting to see these cool pictures of the inside just confirmed my wildest fantasies about...

Dad of the Week

YouTube user NunzioRaso was having trouble getting his toddler daughter to sleep for more than two hours - a common dilemma in any such household.  He decided to help her out by getting into the crib with her.  His int...

Christmas Light Hero

(YouTube Link) Kind of like the guy a few years ago who synced his Christmas lights to Trans Siberian Orchestra's Wizards in Winter, here we have Guitar Hero as the theme. What do you get when you mix a Christmas...

Drug Screening at Pie Eating Contest

Baseball, football, bodybuilding -- so many sports have been impacted by athletes secretly using performance-enhancing drugs. Sadly, even competitors in pie-eating competitions have resorted to such nefarious cheating....

Switching a Gene in Adult Female Mice Turns Them Male

Medical researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory in Heidelberg, Germany, altered a single gene in female mice. The mice did not change anatomically, but their ovaries began producing testosterone: *em...

80's Movies' Signature Songs

The decade that spawned MTV saw a serious shift in music from the previous one.  Much of what was popular were new, untested bands that either had actual talent and thrived (Prince), or catchy one hit wonders (Harold Fa...

Painted Water Photography

[caption id="attachment_28199" align="aligncenter" width="402" caption="Aqueous by Mark Mawson"][/caption] Mark Mawson is a photographer that is always trying something new.  Of all his work, his underwater stuff is...

The Sex Life of Ancient Greece On Display

An unusually frank art exhibition has opened in Athens.  The Museum of Cycladic Art is hosting a show of 272 objects dating from the 6th century BC to the 4th century AD.  The top floor of the museum is off limits to u...

The Festivus Quiz

Jerry Seinfeld introduced us to Festivus, "a holiday for the rest of us," in 1997. How much do you remember about the Seinfeld episode that started what became a well-known December holiday? That's the chall...

Map of US States Showing Countries of Equal Population

This map by James Richards overlays a map of the United States with the flags of countries with populations equal to the respective states. You can view a much larger image at the link. Link via Strange Maps | Fl...

Motorcycle Assembles Itself in Stop-Motion Animation

(YouTube Link) Filmmaker Noah Flangian of Tullahoma, Tennessee and his father assembled a Suzuki GSX-R motorcycle, but used stop-motion animation to depict the bike spontaneously assembling itself. Flangian claims...

College Student Brings Mechanical Typewriter to Class

(YouTube Link) Many college students use laptop computers to take notes during class. The student in this video, as a prank, took an old mechanical typewriter to a lecture for that purpose. The professor gets quit...

The Mathematics of Sharing Pizza

When several hungry but cash-challenged college students chip in for a pizza, cutting it into equal and fair slices become very important. So important that mathematicians Rick Mabry and Paul Deiermann looked into the pr...

Parkour Dog

Here at Neatorama we have seen Damien Walters show off his parkour moves, we have seen parkour on two wheels, and we have had parkour as an Olympic sport suggestion. Now it's time to move on with some dog parkour mov...

The French Laundry Restaurant

The French Laundry Restaurant in Yountville, California may have food to die for, but can you pay for it? Chef and proprietor Thomas Keller was named Best American Chef by TIME magazine in 2001. The restaurant gets con...

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