Aachen Stadt I

You're familiar with historical re-enactment groups who get together to stage battles from history. Here's one with a twist: a group of woman who portray the German Red Cross, or Deutches Rotes Kreuz (DRK) of World War II. Aachen Stadt I does not endorse the politics of the Nazi party; in fact they say right up front that they will not tolerate racist ideology. They participate in WWII battle re-enactments and attend educational events to tell about the role of the Red Cross. And they have a 2010 calendar for sale as well! Link -Thanks, Erin!

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Is it really too current? Approximately 1,000 U.S. WW2 vets die each day. Most are in their 80's and 90's. Ask a person in their teens, 20's or 30's for that matter what they know about WW2...the answer will probably be: not much. If we don't remember and understand the reasons why WW2 happened, we're destined to make the same mistakes again.

WW2 living history seeks to preserve the history and educate the public about the most destructive war in history. This group is part of the California Historical Group, www.chgww2.com Take a look and judge away...that's what most of you seem to doing anyway!
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