The Fibonacci sequence, named after a 13th Century Italian mathematician, is a sequence of numbers in which every third number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This ring and others like it by Etsy seller Holmes Craft is an homage to that mathematical sequence in that the beads are organized according to the first four Fibonacci numbers.
Link via Technabob | Math Explanation | Photo: Holmes Craft
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Fibonacci interesting
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I am obsessed with the Fibonacci sequence for some reason. I love that ring.
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I don't generally wear jewelry, but I'd wear something like this
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Really a very good idea to design this ring through Fibonacci mathematical formula .The best thing of designing through Fibonacci formula is that there is no chance of getting repetition in the ring .Color patterns are really awesome to look.
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That ring is just gorgeous. I crocheted a muffler scarf for my stepson a couple of years ago, the pattern of stripes therein based upon the Fibonacci sequence. I'm not a math geek, I just thought it was an interesting way of making stripes so that they weren't repetitive but weren't random, either.
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