The Fibonacci sequence, named after a 13th Century Italian mathematician, is a sequence of numbers in which every third number is the sum of the previous two numbers. This ring and others like it by Etsy seller Holm...
(YouTube link)
The night of the full moon in November is known as Loy Krathong Day in Thailand.
Loy is "to float" and Krathong is a "leaf cup" usually made of banana leaf as one often sees in the market. The leaf...
At Chromoscope, you start with a boilerplate view of the Milky Way galaxy. Select options to view it in other wavelengths such as x-ray, infrared, microwave, or radio. Above is the hydrogen alpha wavelength view....
(YouTube Link)
In this documentary video, historians and archaeologists from the year 3000 try to piece together information about The Beatles from 20th Century fragmentary remains. The impact that John, Paul, Greg...
YouTube link
Teddy bear tosses are promotional events, typically at hockey games. The stuffed animals are collected and donated to hospitals and other charities....
You would expect a fox to steer clear of humans whenever possible, but here are six stories of foxes who are just fine moving into human territory, or even with humans themselves!The closest most of us get to a fox i...
Perhaps a dozen of these specialized guns were made in Nazi Germany. They fired either a .32 caliber or .22 rimfire cartridge and had a four-round magazine. At the link, you'll find a copy of a short article from a...