Space Chair, Best Commercial Ever

The mad scientists at Toshiba are at it again.  With the help of Simon Faithful, they created not only the world's highest HD TV ad, but one of the highest ads period.  By attaching their HD cameras to a weather balloon, they sacrificed the cams to make a point.  Not only can it perform, look what we can do with it.  We can focus on a vintage chair going into space.  Beautiful results.  Wait for the balloon pop.

(YouTube Link)

Be sure to see the Making Of as well.  via todayandtomorrow

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To the sad and jaded armchair (sorry!)spectators ppppffffffttttt!

I think its just lovely, and until you upload the fabulous video of your own comparable exploit, a second pppppffffttttt!!!!!

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Try to make one yourself that looks just as clean and heavy like this one with balsawood and then just by hand and as a One-Off- How many manhours in knowhow, modelling and fabricating will that cost? That is why that chair is so expensive.
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It's cool but creatively, rather boring. It was merely a demonstration of attaching cameras to a balloon and receiving the transmission. Anyone that have access to the tools they had could do the same thing.

Speaking as a professional in the creative field, they could've done it a lot better.

But maybe this achievement will spark something even better down the road.
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