Meet the Nudibranchs

[caption id="attachment_28049" align="aligncenter" width="468" caption="nudibranch photos from Raymond's Flickr"][/caption]

WebEcoist rocks with an informative piece on a species commonly confused with a sea slug, and yes the name is pronounced how you think it is-
Nudibranchs’ unusual name comes from their distinctive breathing method: “naked” branchial (breathing) tubes on their backs which resemble branches or bushes. However, not all nudibranchs sport this unusual-looking breathing apparatus. While nudibranchs are commonly referred to as “sea slugs,” which is technically a valid title, it should be noted that not all sea slugs are nudibranchs.


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Saw these years ago on a PBS nature show. Don't be fooled by the pictures, some of these are HUGE, and free-swimming. I seem to remember seeing one resembling a chandelier, perhaps filmed off of Hawaii. It swam by a diver, giving a sense of scale, and I think it was three or four feet long. Yikes!
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