Ring Around The Moon

Photo: brian s huff [Flickr]

Did you see the ring around the moon last night? If you did and wondered what caused it, Yahoo! Buzz Log has the answer:

Though it looked ominous, the shiny ring around the moon last night was actually a rather common weather phenomenon. According to various weather-related blogs across the Buzz, this ring around the moon occurs when thin cirrus clouds, which contain ice crystals, refract the moonlight. A blog from the Goddard Space Flight Center explains that "the shape of the ice crystals results in a focusing of the light into a ring. Since the ice crystals typically have the same shape, namely a hexagonal shape, the Moon ring is always the same size."


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Yup, a moon dog. We had once a while back here in western SD. It means change in weather around here. Sun dogs in the winter predict colder weather. When there are two, watch out!

Love this blog, by the way!
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Well, to be fair, it doesn't really apply to novelty books and coffee-table books. Uncle John's Bathroom readers or the Extreme Case Scenario Survival handbook are generally a few minute micro-read.
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