Archive for December 3rd, 2009

100 Days in Glacier National Park

Chris Peterson went to Montana's Glacier National Park for 100 days starting in May. Every day he took at least one amazing photo and posted it on his site. The result is amazing. Link Via The Big Picture, Image b...

Zebrie Sanders: Statue Player

(YouTube Link) I am a little under the weather today, and maybe the paper airplane thing was fake.  But if this is fake, at least it also fooled The Huffington Post.  The obvious question is, What is he thinking?str...

Paper Airplane Kept Aloft with Fans

(YouTube Link) “Aerodynamics say that if drag and thrust are equal, as in this video, the plane should move forward, not stay in the same position… why is this? Because the left one runs slower? than the right one...

Adam "Ape Lad" Koford's New T-Shirts on Neatorama

Arch Enemy T-Shirt by Adam Koford Our pal Adam "Ape Lad" Koford has a new line of colorful T-shirts over at the Neatorama Shop that'll make the perfect...

Searching For Alien to Cost School System $1 Million

How clueless are bureaucrats of our nation's school system? They fired an IT worker for installing the popular freeware SETI@Home on school computers, claiming that it'll take more than $1 million to uninstall it!The...

Ring Around The Moon

Photo: brian s huff [Flickr]Did you see the ring around the moon last night? If you did and wondered what caused it, Yahoo! Buzz Log has the answer:Though it looked ominous, the shiny ring around the moon last night...

Dubai's Economic Woes Sound Death Knell For Fantastic Architecture

Now that Dubai's economic bubble has popped and the emirate's mega-projects are imploding under their own debt crunch, we can weep over all the fantastically outlandish buildings that will never be built. Like the rotati...

Death & Taxes by Jess Bachman

We've blogged about Jess Bachman's Death & Taxes infographic about the complexity of the federal budget of the United States before on Neatorama. Jess has an updated 2010 version:Death and Taxes" is a large...

LEGO Snowman

Flickr user roguebantha_1138 spent two hours assembling this snowman that looks like a LEGO minifig. Link via GeekologieLego, snowman...

Exploding/Reassembling Picture Frame

(YouTube Link) YouTube user Mechanical Sculptor created this mechanically exploding and retracting picture frame. His channel is filled with videos of similar works. via Make | YouTube Channelautomata, Mechanica...

New Artificial Larynx Gives Laryngectomy Patients a Human-Sounding Voice

About 10,000 Americans every year are diagnosed with laryngeal cancer, and most must submit to the surgical removal of their voice boxes. Machine replacements have, so far, sounded raspy and robot-like. But now medical...

Steven Seagal Fighting Crime (For Real!)

What has action star Steven Seagal been doing since his box-office heyday of the mid 90s? Turns out he's been battling crime. For real: he's been working as an unpaid reserve deputy for Louisiana's Jefferson Parish Sheri...

Samurai Mario

deviantART user William Chua of Singapore created this remix of Super Mario Bros. and classical Japanese illustration. He claims inspiration by both Super Mario Bros. and the game Monster Hunter. Link via Geeko...

The Somali Pirate Stock Exchange

Pirates operating in the waters off of Somalia have opened a stock exchange in order to encourage investment in their industry. The market has thrived, and the exchange now provides a business forum for 72 "maritime com...

Miniature Golf in a Funeral Home Basement

Hidden in a Chicago suburb is a funeral home with a 9-hole mini golf course in the basement! Fred Abercrombie made a stop in Palatine, Illinois to visit Ahlgrim Acres, a community room hidden underneath Ahlgrim Funeral...

The Creepiest Places You Can Spend the Night

The world is full of nightmarish places, and many are open to the public. If you are a real thrill seeker, some will let you stay the night -if you dare! For example, you could stay at Margam Castle in Wales.Many yea...

What is it? Game 118

Hooray! It's time for our weekly collaboration with the What Is It? Blog. Can you guess the purpose of this week's object?Place your guess in the comment section. One guess per comment, please, though yo...

VideoSift Clips of the Week

(Links open in a new browser window/tab) Stunning Shuttle Ascent Video Compilation Starts off a bit slow, but skip forward to about the 2 minute mark for some of the best Space Shuttl...

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