(YouTube Link)
Dana Hanna of Abingdon, Maryland updated his Facebook relationship status at the altar, immediately after the presiding pastor declared the marriage. In The Los Angeles Times, W.J. Hennigan writes:
Hanna explains on YouTube that he did it for laughs and that the gag was a surprise to everybody in attendance except the minister. This would explain his wife’s look as he pulled “his” and “hers” cellphones from his tuxedo pockets.
“This was just done to be funny -- we really don't Facebook THAT often :),” he wrote on YouTube. “I have a lot of family scattered around the country and we all use Facebook a lot to keep in touch.”
You can read Hanna's full explanation at the YouTube link.
Link via CollegeHumor
Comments (17)
all you people who say a wedding is serious business: Only if the bride and groom want it to be. It's their day, get the hell over it.