Oil Change Leads to New Car Purchase

It's a given that when folks take their car in to get an oil change, the lube tech is going to talk them into wipers, an air filter, etc.  But when Audrey McKnight took her 2006 Hyundai into the dealer for one, she left eight hours later with a 2009 model.  She basically accepted it after being told she could return it the next day; plus, it was the only way to stop the sales pressure.
McKnight said a saleswoman pressured her to "try out" the 2008 Hyundai Azera with promises that she could return it the next day.  A sales manager at Holmes Hyundai secretly checked her credit while she waited for service on her car, McKnight said. The sales team also allegedly suggested that she could afford the newer car if she stopped paying on her Medicare supplemental insurance.

McKnight said she owed $7,600 on her 2006 Hyundai, with 21,000 miles. Her $329 monthly car payments are set to increase to more than $400 per month with the new car, and will continue until she pays off the $26,000 she now owes.

http://www.desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2009911300323 via The Obscure Store & Reading Room.  Photo: Mary Chind

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@Bonnie - unscrupuolous mechanics do that to everyone, especially if they can tell that the person (a) has money and/or (b) knows absolutely nothing about cars.

I fall in between the two, so will take my car for "second opinions" and (now) hit the Internet and find a car club for my car and ask questions there.
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I call the engine light on my car the "buy new car light," because of the pressure they try to put on me at the dealership. I stopped getting the free oilchanges there because I had some service done at another place for less money.

Sure, the guy who sold her the new car got the sale, but what damage has been done to their reputation?
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More than 20 years ago, I was a young 21 (but looked 15; yes, sometimes it's a curse) the first time I took my car to a dealership for an oil change. Not knowing that my dad was on his way to pick me up and take me to work, the guy at the dealership rubbed his chin and explained "you know that'll be about $400?" I didn't, but said ok. I left to go wait for my dad. As we were driving out of the lot, I told him the guy said it would be about $400. I nearly went through the windshield when he slammed on the brakes, threw the car in reverse and said, "come show me who told you that." People will take advantage of whoever they think they can. Needless to say I've grown up a lot since then, and now embarrass my parents with my ability to eventually be rude when harrassed by salespeople.
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I am 40 now and i have been dealing with this selfish generation who are now our elderly for a good couple decades.

Considering how the selfish generation treated my generation 20 years ago I have no sympathy at how those in the Selfish generation are being victimized now that they are beyond Middle Age and are Elderly.

I saw how this generation treated their parents 20 years ago too.

Remember, this is the generation that invented the idea of locking their elders in a home and not visiting.

When ever I hear an old person complain about being targeted i always wonder what what in the wide world of selfish they were doing 30 years ago when the elderly were being targeted.

Oh that's right, this generation was voting for Reagan and all his cuts to protection for the elderly, children, homeless, mentally ill, and others.

You reap what you sow.
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