It always bugs me when I see someone press on the glass portion of a door to open it (this is probably due to years in a job that required my cleaning such doors), so this footage from sometime in the 20th century is like justice. via YepYep
It always bugs me when I see someone press on the glass portion of a door to open it (this is probably due to years in a job that required my cleaning such doors), so this footage from sometime in the 20th century is like justice. via YepYep
That's the same reason why you'll never see a glass-topped table in my house either!
Then my uncle fixed the latch, sat the boy down, and very slowly, carefully explained to him that wouldn't work any more. (In one ear; out the other.) About five minutes later -- CRASH!!! Glass everywhere. It's amazing the boy wasn't hurt.
Heh. Me too.I truly enjoyed that.
Also, I like how its from 'the 20th century' to explain the black&white. We were in the 20th century less than 10 years ago. :P