Archive for November 29th, 2009

Mouse Click

Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) affects many computer users, and can be frequently associated with conventional mouse usage.  Now there is a new version of Mouse Click available for those who may need the relief. MouseC...

VCR Toaster

Inspired by this scene from the BBC show The Young Ones, the how-to blog Instructables turned an old VCR into a functional toaster. It even prints "VHS" on the face of every piece of bread toasted....

Pictures From Research

[caption id="attachment_27852" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Photo: Igor Siwanowicz"][/caption] Focus Magazine has held a photography contest for the last four years featuring pics from various res...

Scientists to Breed Sheep that Burp Less

Sixteen percent of Australia's greenhouse emissions come from agriculture, so scientists there are busy trying to solve the problem of ... burping sheep?"Ninety per cent of the methane that sheep and cattle and...

How To Make Health Care Affordable: Medical Tourism!

With all the debate going on with health care, you'd be forgiven if you want to skip this post. But I think I've found the solution to making health care affordable for Americans: just outsource it to Thailand.Eric Wahlg...

Bearded Superheroes

What would Robocop, Hellboy, Batman and other comic characters look like if they had beards? You don't have to wonder anymore. Behold Croatian illustrator Vanja Mrgan's series "Bearded": Link - via Laughing Squ...

Meet Icee: Tale of a Frozen Cat That Will Warm Your Heart

One frigid Friday morning, animal control got a call about a cat that may or may not be alive under a deck. When they got there, they found a cat so cold it was rigid. Its eyes were closed. There was no movement. And the...

Duckmaster and Other Weird Hotel Jobs

Quick, when you think about working in a hotel, what do you think about? Being a receptionist? Part of the cleaning crew? How about a coin polisher, a mud manager and ... a duckmaster?!Judy Mandell of the Los Angeles Tim...

A Magic Trick by Maru

YouTube Link Everyone's favorite Scottish Fold Internet star would like to show you trickz.  Previously on Neatorama:  Maru, the Box Loving Cat, Maru Returns, Maru Gets a BIG Box, Maru Makes Faces.  -via Unique Dai...

Not-Right Nativities

Photo: Podkayne Studios Etsy seller Podkayne Studios sells nativity sets that remember the Christmas story just a little bit differently. Dinosaur, Star Wars, Pokémon, Indiana Jones and other themes are available....

This Artist Uses Only a Cigarette Lighter

Photo: Olivier Kosta-Théfaine Paris-based artist Olivier Kosta-Théfaine burns images into ceilings using only a cigarette lighter. His medium is an extension of a common form of street art in the neighborhood in wh...

The Ceramic Cameras of Steve Irvine

Steve Irvine makes ceramic pinhole cameras. He writes "I like the organic look of these cameras which contrasts with our usual notions of cameras being machine-made, high tech devices." The cameras are quite functi...

Humans on Display at the Zoo

The zoo of Warsaw, Poland, has a pair of prehistoric humans (or actors depicting them) on display over the weekend: Organiser Maria Mastalerz says the weeklong "performance" aims to attract interest in a play, "Ca...

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