What's The Worst Airline You've Ever Flown And Why?

Photo: Kossy@FINEDAYS [Flickr]

Today, the Wednesday before Thanksgiving, is traditionally the busiest travel day of the year in the United States. And if you've ever flown commercial airlines, then you've probably got a horror story or two.

So, let me ask you this question: what is the worst airline you've ever flown and why?

I've flown pretty much all major carriers (both domestic and international) and there's only one airline I'll never ever fly again but that's another story. I want to hear yours.

Ooooo I already do not like where this is going! Mostly because I work for one of these airlines....I won't say which, but I will say that I love my airline, and (usually) my job. Though as far as customer service satisfaction amongst traditional carriers go, we are number one. I'm sure that gives it away haha. I hate to be "that" agent, but i would say in my experience at least 3/4 of all PAX problems are brought upon by themselves. Please book yourself a 2 hour connection MINIMUM. Trust me that is the number one reason i have people miss flights! Sure, you can book as short as a 40 min. connection, but if your flight is even 20 minutes late you can kiss your other aircraft goodbye. Or better yet, book a nonstop. Well, this turned into an agent rant....Oh well, I'm okay with that. Oh and whenever possible if you DO have a problem, find the young agents we are generally nicer! Hope to see you at SEATAC sometime.
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I've never flown by a US airline, but I used to live in Dubai for a couple of years. One time, we were flying back to England, and the flight used to change in Doha. I think it was P.I.A we used to fly. Well, this one time, we all boarded the plane, waited for a bit, and on came some paramedics with a stretcher. On this stretcher was a very poorly guy who was being rushed to London for emergency treatment they then didn't have acess to in Doha, and the quickest way to get him there they decided, was to stick him in the doorway on a stretcher accompanied by a couple of paramedics. All good and well, until an hour or so into the flight...

...when he died. We, were naturally sat a few seats infront of him. So we spent the remainder of a long flight pretty much next to a corpse. Really nice at about 11 years old. The cabin crew were casually handing out sandwiches. All in all, a fun flight!
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ATA was the worst.

I flew them and they actually had their own pilots calling the 800 number from the unmoving line in desperation to get on our flight to return home, (not to pilot it) because they were stranded. I saw security feel up a US Senator three times in different check points due to ATA canceling our flight and assiging all 129 of us to an other airline thus flagging us in the system as "Cash one-way-ticket" customers and therefore high security risks.
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On a long flight to Hong Kong from San Francisco, there was something wrong with the movie system and we got NO movies. Also, food was terrible. At one point, about halfway through the flight, the stewardesses handed out packets of ramen noodles and walked down the aisle, filling each passenger's cup with hot water. Our plane was almost all Asian passengers, and I thought it was really terrible that we were given this ersatz "Asian" meal...

On the plus side, the best airline I've ever flown was Asiana. They give you Korean food, which is so yummy!
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We once flew from the UK to Egypt with Qatar airways.
The flight out to Qatar was the most luxurious flight I've ever been on; HOWEVER the transfer flight from Qatar to Luxor (still Qatar Airways) was this dodgey, old, rickety plane which even Ryanair wouldn't dare use (and that's saying something!!).

We actually found it quite funny at the time, especially as we paid quite a lot for the flight... but definitely the worst we've been on.

Ryanair is generally rubbish.. you are so close to the person infront you can smell their aftershave (or lack-of!). But they offer cheaper flights than anyone else, so I guess you get what you pay for! Also in their defence; they are ALWAYS on time.
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hmm, Aeroflot inland flight. The plane was looking like a refurbished cargo plane with camping seats.
Starting at 4.30 in the night was not helping either.
Their international flights were quite good though.
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I don't fly all that often, but I can't recall ever having any truly terrible experiences with any one airline over another. If there's one thing I don't much care for on commercial airline flights, it's that I seem to end up on MD-80s all the time. They're cramped, noisy, and it seems that I end up on the things for 75% of the flights I take for some reason...
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Ahh, the age old myth that this is the "busiest" travel time of the year. There is no difference in the number of flights the airlines have, nor from my experience as a pilot, the number of passengers.

The last few years I've flown right before Thanksgiving the passenger loads were actually rather light. Most people I would say live within driving distance of relatives or don't want to really pay a couple grand to fly thier family somewhere for one meal.

As for the worst airline I've ever operated as a pilot for (Im a regional pilot that flys for about 7 differnt ones)? United is the joke of the airline industry. The best? Continental.
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Southwest is the worst if you get to the gate late. All of the good seats are taken and you have to walk down the isle of the plane looking for a middle seat. You feel like the scene from Forrest Gump when he is on a school bus looking for a seat and no one wants him to sit next to them.
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LAB (Lloyd Aereo Boliviano - Bolivian Air Lloyd), before it was bought by VASP, a brazilian airline, that now is defunct.

Dude, those 2 flights were bad.
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I'm thinking that those with the fewest "votes" are those least used by Neatorama readers. We all have our horror stories and they a probably not the fault of the airline company per se.
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By far my worst experiences have been on American. I will not fly with them unless it is the only flight I can get. Ive had the best flights with Continental so they are my first choice when I need to fly.
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I don't understand why airlines are subject to a question like this. People always whine about airlines. But if they get you from point A to point B what do you care? Its like airline passengers expect the airlines to kiss their behinds, wipe their noses and carry their bags. What other industry is put under such demands?
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Continental lost my luggage both ways. Destroyed both my kids car seats, which they said they were not reponsible for and left me stranded for 24 hours in an airport with two toddlers with no one telling me when, if ever, my flight was actually going to leave.

I travel a fair bit since my family is on the other side of the country, and that was the worst experience I've ever had. I'll never fly with them again!
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United. I've flown the state planes of Third World nations, and was happier in those death traps than flying with that unearthly abomination United. Rude service, no service, delays, filth, noise, and stenches. Then there was the time we were all waiting to board, late at night, and all the United staff simply walked away. The flight was cancelled, but no one told us anything.

I hate United profoundly.
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I was going to submit Aeroflot, the Russian state airline until you restricted it to domestic carriers. Aeroflot is a whole 'nother world -- 'festival seating' in the plane; stewardesses (with more gold teeth than the Russian hockey team) auctioning off the two six packs of beer allocated for the flight; flights cancelled due to inability to pay for fuel; massively uncomfortable seats; oh, and you get served your tea when the guy behind you (who's been hacking up a lung the whole trip) finishes with the teacup.

But Delta, overall, is worse -- they think they have a lock on eastcoast / southeast travel so they treat their customers like cattle.
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Homeland security TSA can make any flight suck. Removing belts, watches, shoes etc is worse than any treatment I have ever gotten on an airline. They can make you late for any flight. Watching them take the chocolate milk away from a poor mentally and physically handicapped lady because it was in a container over 3 ounces was a real low point. It has been called "security theater," and the "illusion of security" in national magazines including Scientific American. The airline employees may be overworked, but at least they are respectful and are trying to make do with the situation. As for TSA, the ones that are respectful still have to maintain the farce, and there are a lot just don't care.
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Undoubtedly, Air Kenya was the worst airline. I'm a private pilot, and it was unnerving to get on a plane *with* the pilots, and observe that they did no pre-flight check. (So, Air Kenya might have division of labor---someone else who did it for them, but this seems prone to other problems.)

Then, the luggage went to Burundi instead of Uganda. And even though I identified that within 30 minutes of landing, it still took 3 days to get it back.

Oh, and I'm just shy of 5' 8". I had bruised knees on that flight.

[That said, I've certainly had worse *flights*. For example, the spring, 2002--just after 9/11---flight to London...in which the 3 year old kid near me screamed, ran up and down the aisles, threw toys which hit other passengers, and woke people up if he say they were nodding off...for the ENTIRE flight. Flight attendants tried to occupy him, but his mother sure didn't. And I think people were just too scared to complain about inconvenience and rudeness at that time, especially to folks with brown skin---they were middle-Eastern, I think. A combination of biases, prejudices, and passivity meant that we put up with this for the whole flight.]
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United Airlines was by far the worse I have ever flown. Trip to the U.K. resulted in lost luggage there and lost luggage upon return to the States. This coming from a well seasoned domestic and international traveler. It only took the first and only time flying with them to decide I would never use them again.
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Airlines are subject to questions like this because they provide very bad customer service, and mistreat their customers. It is not whining to complain when treated poorly. I expect more for my money than being treated like a diseased refugee.
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Its just funny because I've flown plenty and never had a bad experience. You get on the plane, sit down, relax and get off when you get there. I think the only people who have bad experiences are those whose expectations are unreasonably high and don't understand how to travel.
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And, sorry, I'm not trying to be whiny either, since that is the attitude I am criticizing, but I laugh at people who complain about the security screening. Oh no! you had to remove your belt? The horror! You had to take off your shoes? Oh the humanity!!
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I've flown a LOT. Southwest has been by far the worst - they try the least hard to hide their perception of passengers as cattle.

Delta is probably about the best; taking a Delta connection after a Southwest one is like upgrading from the baggage hold to first class.

CharlesNelsonReilly, most service industries carry a high expectation of positive customer interactions. Airlines have been doing this less and less well as they stretch their employees further and charge their customers for more little things to increase their profit margins. Everyone complains about poor customer service because it's true. Flying can be a harrowing experience even with good customer service, but when bad customer service is added on top, it's particularly unpleasant.
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Fair enough. I know this was not the question posted for this thread. I couldn't help myself though ;) Just reiterating that I have flown plenty and never had any significant problems primarily because I think if people search out problems they find them. I rarely see anything that prevents me from getting on my plane, sitting down, and getting off when I arrive. What more does one need. Ok, off my soap box and done with my own whining ;)
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In 1988 I flew Garuda, the national airline of Indonesia, from Jakarta to Denpasa. The plane rattled like an unblanaced load on the spin cycle, and was so loud I honestly couldn't hear the person next to me unless we screamed at each other. All of my fellow passengers seemed to have live chickens in their laps until we took off, when they just let the chickens run around. Oh, and everyone on the plane was smoking those foul "clove" cigarettes.

CharlesNelsonReilly, you'd have to set your standards mighty low to find this an acceptable travel experience.
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United and American have been my worst.

One of them out right canceled a flight -poof- it disappeared from the departing screen without explanation- no "cancelled" on the screen. Had to hunt down someone to find out that the flight was cancelled and got the handoff twice to "go to that desk". Ended up that everyone was rebooked on a later flight so the airline could combine two flights (but they didn't tell me that). Well,the later flight ends up delaying 1, then 2, then 3 , then 4 hours. Once we were on the plane it took 1 1/2 hour delay to load up and get airborn. I get into the medium sized but podunk city I was flying to at 1am on a Tuesday night so nothing but an Arby's drive through was open for food- no pizza, no bars, nothing.

Conversely all the people above crowing about Southwest are just whining about the seating. Bah, seating issues are nothing to deal with compared to being treated like I was by the other airline. Southwest might be like taking the bus, but Southwest typically treats its passengers as humans, will communicate problems in real time with real explanations, and are typically on time.
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As I was preparing for work as a flight attendant this morning, I was feeling a bit down that I would, again, be missing a holiday at home with my friends and family. I start a four-day trip today, so I will be away for the entirety of Thanksgiving. I turned to Neatorama for a smile; something I can usually count on and was so disappointed in this negative survey.
My colleagues and I work very, very hard every day and I will be the one smiling at all the families traveling over the next few days as they go to their loved-ones' for Thanksgiving whilst I eat my holiday meals from my lunchbox...it will have to be a bit braver face today, however. I'm disappointed that Neatorama started my potentially melancholy day with this downer of a survey.
Happy Thanksgving.
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Obviously I have too much time on my hands today and am suckered back in here. I'm sure most have seen this video (Louis CK on Conan): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8r1CZTLk-Gk

I paraphrase: Your flight is delayed, maybe there is a chicken on board, but did you not just fly, like a bird, in the sky???

aberguy: I think most people do not grasp the complexity of the airline system and the work and coordination it takes to make it run as smoothly as it does.
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Many people don't find a plane flight relaxing like CharlesNelsonReilly, but they have no choice but to get on a plane, especially if it is a flight to the other side of the earth. Unless you are a short guy on coach (or you have a good back) flying for less than 3 hours, being on a plane is just not fun after the first time.

One can't arrogantly assume other people experience flying differently. It's like living in a city, unless you get mugged or profiled, your perception of the city will probably be good if you ignore the plight of other people.
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CharlesNelsonReilly: "What other industry is put under such demands?" A: Every single service industry, at least the ones that claim to give good service.

Southwest makes the top of the list for me. As mentioned above, the way they do the seating is SO dumb. And they tout it like it's a big advantage over every other airline!

For those who don't know, SW doesn't allow you to reserve seats. You get assigned a Zone, and have to STAND IN LINE at the gate, so you can hopefully get the seat you want. But they ARE kinda sorta assigned, because there are numbered areas within the zone! So, if you're assigning zones within zones, why not just assign seats?!? Arg! And who wants to stand in line while having to travel all day? ARG! And to get a better seat, you have to stand in line longer! ARG ARG!!

The thing that is most aggravating is that I can plan everything well in advance, get my ticket 3 months ahead of time, and some random person who just bought their ticket at the counter 5 minutes before I arrive at the airport can get a better seat than me. Stupid.
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US Awful - Have to use them for work as they are preferred client. My last adventure with them resulted in 3 changes of terminals, 2:45 min delay for first flight of the day, 1h 25mins on tarmac to leave, 1h 35mins in plane waiting for terminal at destination, lost luggage (took them over an hour to tell us that no luggage was put on the plane and then another for them to get paper work) and all of this for a 52 min flight.

What the real joy of this is that the 2 later flights both run by US Awful arrived before my flight did (remember mine was first of the day), both were less then half full and they got their luggage. My company got a 50% refund on the cost of the tickets for my suffering.

After I asked why they did not move us to one of the later flights after they realized that they were going to leave before our plane was ready was because our luggage would then be on the wrong plane. Never mind the fact that the luggage was never sent to the plane and actually took a flight 12 hours later (9 flights between mine and the one my luggage took).

Return flight was delayed 20 mins because the co-pilot was not there yet (never got a good reason for this) which caused a 40min wait to take off and a 55min wait for a terminal at my destination.
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I fly a lot for business and generally don't have bad experiences (and for those who complain about security, just be prepared. Take off your belt and shoes, stick your cell in your travel bag, take out your laptop and your bag of toiletries if needed, put 'em on the belt. Not much else to it).

Aberguy, I have had great service and do appreciate the work all of you do. I know it can't be easy. But, unfortunately, complaints are heard far more often than positive experiences. I'd post one if I could remember the details, but alas, the negative ones stick out more.

Personally, I've had bad experiences with United and Continental, but both were results of the circumstances, really. My United flight was delayed, then disappeared off the board so the only way I could find out info was to look it up on my iPhone-their website said it was still on time. Meanwhile the desk was crowded with people trying to get on another flight. Five hours later, with the majority of my info coming from my iPhone and not from anyone at the airport, I finally boarded the flight. For Continental, the flight was delayed five hours and then canceled, because when the plane finally landed the crew had gone over their allotted hours and there was no crew for the plane. Unfortunate, but due to weather. I will agree that United has crappy customer service.

American Airlines, though, has always been great.
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I enjoy flying. Granted, I've had some luggage issues but that was because a nice older gentleman accidentally grabbed mine by mistake and then he invited me over to his friend's house (Bill Gate's neighbors) for drinks and appetizers! What a nice 'after-work' pleasure that visit was!

I just don't like it when you get there 2 hrs early and the bag-check line takes 1 1/2 hrs, then they detect 'bomb' material on my diaper bag and detain me another 30 minutes. THEN have the nerve to 'lecture' me at the gate that I should've gotten there 2 hrs early, so as to not miss my flight.

I had to sit with a tired baby all day and part of the night until the next available flight.

Thank God that SeaTac has a children's nursery/ play area for breastfeeding mothers and tired babies.

That trip made me regret flying out with a young child and no husband to accompany me. It just made me appreciate my husband more!
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I would also like to thank Air Kenya for stranding my husband & I in the Nairobi airport for over 24 hours while people were rioting around us. Thanks Air Kenya!
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Internationally: Aeroflot. Quite a few of the seats were broken or missing completely, they offered vodka to kids, people smoked on board (even though they "were not allowed to" and during a stop over in Magadan strange white powder was blasted out of the ceiling venting system.

Nationally: Alaskan. They are the only airline that flies in and out of my Alaskan town, and I get to see their "dark side" because I fly them so much. I really dislike them.
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As a retired traveling salesman, I flew a lot in my lifetime and found that MOST of the time a flight is bad for some people because of other passengers but not necessarily the airline. I've seen passengers board A plane in ripped up sweat pants and sweat shirts and then complain because they aren't treated like the Queen of England. When I first started flying People would never dress so casual and were treated respectfully. I know everyone is thinking we all deserve the same respect no matter what our attire, but I'm sure we've all unconsciously given more attention and consideration to a person dressed in a suit as opposed to a wrinkled/ripped sweat suit. I'm not saying it's right but a fact of life. If most passengers were more tolerant and thought more about the other passengers and the crew the flights would be less of a burden.
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Mmmm... Assuming most the Neatorama readers are not frequent flyers, the airlines with the biggest market share should be the worst airline, because of simply the highest number of problems.
Methodology in doubt here.
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Next do one for worst airport.

I vote JFK. Worst airport ever.

I've only had a few flights through there but I have never had a flight go through there were I didn't end up stranded overnight and having to pay $140 or so for a crappy hotel room around the block. And I mean both ways, going and coming.
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aberguy, hold up. I don't think anyone reasonable is blaming the pilots or attendants for bad service on planes. Anybody who's ever had a service job knows you probably get the brunt of peoples' bad attitudes and appreciates what you do.

American cancels my flights on short notice 2/3 of the time, so I'm going to have to go with them. Why isn't Airtran on here? I never really have bad service on their flights, but their planes can be pretty junky and gross.

Best experiences domestically have been on SkyTeam flights, so Delta, Continental, and Northwest. But everybody knows the best airlines are out of Asia.
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I have flown a lot, both domestically and international flights. The WORST AIRLINE BY FAR, and my worst experience was flying with United. I was trying to fly from Dallas Ft. Worth to Vancouver, B.C. My first flight, connecting through O'Hare was delayed by three hours because of a snow storm in Chicago. I was afraid I would miss my connection, however the gate agents would not talk to me, and kept referring me to a telephon system. When I spoke to agents via telephone, they assured me because everything was also delayed at O'Hare, I most likely would not miss my connection. Cut a long story short, I arrived at O'Hare to a completely deserted airport, my flights had been rebooked for the morning, and at no time did I actually interact with a human during this entire process, it was with machines and telephones. The final straw though, is when I finally landed in Vancouver. I ended up collapsing at the Canada Customs counter. Apparently during my flights, I developed a blood clot in my leg, that had travelled to my lungs. It was very close to moving into my heart, and could have killed me. I e
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I've only flown (why does that sound grammatically incorrect?) domestically once through United Airlines, from Trenton, NJ, to Chicago, IL, and then to Dayton, OH. A week later I went back the same route. That SkyMall magazine was filled with some pretty nifty stuff, which fortunately was enough to keep me occupied. The flight from Chicago the Trenton got delayed by two hours, although they said that was due to rough winds or something. And then, when we were literally on the edge of the runway, it got delayed AGAIN (they said the Trenton Airport was closed or something so they couldn't fly, which didn't make any sense to me because what if an airport closes because of weather-related reasons while there's a plane scheduled to land? Oh, how I digress.)
I've been on Delta when I was six years old (I still have the little pin they gave us;)), but that was an international flight to Karachi, Pakistan (I can't remember if that was the flight we stopped at Manchester and found out that we left our passports on the plane, when we needed them to get back in. Ah, good times).
But I've been on plenty of other international airlines, although I'll wait for someone to ask me about my experiences then. I'm surprised to see so many others fly so frequently. I wanna go traveling all the time (as in, when it's not summer time).
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I've only been on four flights in my life. All within a eight day period. So Delta gets my vote for that damn 767 and the seat next to the window and the sick women. I'm waiting to get rich and fly Malaysian Airlines first class. Coach was great, so I know an upgrade would probably get me a back massage. :p
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Nobody asked, but I still get a chuckle sometimes at the worst public relations I've ever seen from an airline. Aero Caribe had a twisted wreckage of a plane just like the one we were on (a De Haviland with doors for every row on the left side of the plane and no aisle) that laid rusting just past the end of the runway in Chichen Iza, Mexico. It made the Catholic ladies in the row ahead of us cross themselves all the frequently and rapidly when they looked out the window and saw it just after takeoff. The Aero Caribe logo was still clearly visible on the tail of the plane. Half a gallon of paint would have gone a long way to improving the perception of danger for some of the passengers.
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It really is a shame not to be able to vote for Ryan Air, by far the worst. I've flown six of the carriers on the list and the worst of the lot is a hundred times better than Ryan Air.
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I've flown dozens of times in many different countries and by far my worst experiences are all on ATA. Their employees treat you like you owe them something. I bring those tiny bottles of vodka on the long flights and they told me I'm not allowed to drink them. Which is stupid considering all the international flights I have been on have open bars. I mean seriously, what were they going to do midflight? Ask me to leave?

By far the best I've been on is JAL (Japanese airline).the food is great and they are super friendly. Plus I saw some video about how humble their CEO is. Like taking a huge paycut and eats at the cafeteria with the rest of the employees.
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The absolute worst is American. I have flown it twice and both times I had 5+ hour delays on flights that were only supposed to be 3 hours total. One time they did not even offer anything to the people waiting. The second time all the passengers received $25 off their next flight with American.

The best is Virgin America. Never once had a delay and actually have left early before. Decent sized seats and in-flight personal entertainment. Plus Google maps as you fly which is awesome.
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Ansett. Rickety old planes, rude and obnoxious staff, no wonder they went broke.

Virgin also ranks up there, canceling flights without sufficient notice, cramped seating, all topped off by a flight attendant who wouldn't let a disabled man move to an empty seat so that he could stretch his crippled leg.
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Here's my American Airlines story.

Flew from Los Angeles, CA (LAX) to Boston, MA (MA) with a stopover in New York, NY (JFK). Flight from LAX to JFK was uneventful, but the flight to BOS was delayed. At first, they said it was something having to do with equipment, but I found out later that our crew didn't have enough time on the ground between flights.

Eventually, our flight was canceled, but we were told that American had arranged to have us take the Delta Shuttle to Boston. However, we had to go downstairs, get our bags, get on a shuttle bus and go to Laguardia airport to get that plane. OK, a pain, but what can you do?

We all head down to the baggage claim, and wait for what seemed like another 1/2 hour or so. The bags come out and ... they're not ours, they're from another flight ... the bags go back to wherever they came from, we wait around for another 15 minutes (at least), and finally get our bags. Then, it's out to the shuttle for the trip to the Delta Terminal at Laguardia.

We get to the Delta Terminal at Laguardia and are told that the they never heard of us, were never contacted by American, and the flight (the last flight of the day) is gone anyway. There is, however, one more flight out of Laguardia, on Northwest, out of another terminal. The Delta rep said he would call Northwest and tell them we were on our way there and call for a shuttle bus, but he couldn't guarantee that the shuttle would get us to the Northwest terminal in time to make the flight, so he recommended we share cabs and later try to get our money back from American. Which is what most of us did, and we made the Northwest flight and finally got to Boston.

I suppose it's possible that the Delta reps lied to us and had been contacted by American but didn't hold our flight, but I still blame American for taking so long to cancel the flight and putting us in that situation in the first place.
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My fiance and I flew from San Jose to Las Vegas last summer on United. We were 'lucky enough' to secure a seat in first class at the last minute.

The tray tables had adverts for Verizon on them. The arm rests were cracked, and one overhead bin was missing its latch. This was a little weird and disturbing... but just a little.

As we were about to push back from the gate, a ground crew member boarded the plane holding a red button, about the size of a keyboard key. He asked the flight attendant if he knew where the button was supposed to go. I turned to my fiance and said 'oh, that's the button that holds the wings on'. The crew member walked into the cockpit and the pilot, the flight attendant and the ground crew were all looking for where this button went, opening each overhead compartment and scanning each seat and call button. After five minutes of intense searching, the ground crew member gave up and left the plane, leaving the rest of us confused and a little freaked out.

If I know that the flight and ground crew doesn't know where a button goes and proceeds to search the cabin with passengers seated, my confidence is shot and I will never fly the airline again.
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I haven't throughly read through the whole list but I'm pretty sure it's not here. Qantas Australia. The foods GREAT but the service is totally cr@p. I remember when a handicapped person was put next to me and she was flying unattended and some hissy bumhole told me that it was officially my job to look after this lady on a flight to London from Perth! No, I didn't get any say. I tried to entertain her by painting her nails with the little tub of nail polish I had, until Hissy Bumhole came along. Passengers 10 rows infront and behind of me were either reading, sleeping or playing. None of them seemed to be angry at me for letting the odour of nail polish out.
"Passengers are COMPLAINING about the smell of the nail polish. Put it away." So what? Can the pilots effing smell it? Never again
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