Her mammoth brood now comprises Patrick, 23, Stephen, 13, Malachai, 12, Peppermint, 11, Echo, 10, Eli, nine, Rogue, eight, Frodo, seven, Morpheus, five, Artemis, four, Blackbird, three, Baudelaire, two, and nine-month-old Voorhees.
No word yet on what number 14 will be named. Link -via I Am Bored
(image credit: Flickr user Mick 0)
What a selfish ungrateful bitch. UGH.... I'm sorry I saw this posted here b/c I'm gonna be pissed for a while now.
I agree with what you're sayin, but jeez, take a pill.
I just lol'd at all the names.. I mean who in their right mind names a kid Morpheus? and Frodo? I mean, REALLY??????
ok, NOW I"M PISSED. lol
Really.....when I'm finally into getting a family, two should be enough, a 3/4 chance to keep my faulty NF1 gene alive.....
As for twins only appearing in families carrying a particular gene set - I'm not sure that's true. Anyone got a referrence?
Good name for a stripper, or whore.
When will women learn that vaginas are not clown cars.
Peppermint is a good name for a horse.
I think Candy Foss would be good.
You can't regulate stupid. You can only hope you have to deal with it rarely.
Why doesn't she just give 'em away until she gets what she wants?
As for names, well, I'm sort of partial to "Dragonflye" myself...
What if a family IS supporting their kids just fine, and then the unthinkable happens? Some massive tragedy that no one could predict or plan for? Are they disqualified from assistance just because when they WERE doing fine, they had one more kid than is deemed "acceptable?"
I am all for giving benefits in the form of tangible things like food, clothing, so that deadbeats can't use the money for drugs and alcohol, and also accountability and programs to help get people to a place where they can support themselves. But saying "We won't help your kids because there are too many of them" seems to only hurt the children. I am not prepared to go there, personally.
November 24th, 2009 at 9:15 am
You can't regulate stupid. You can only hope you have to deal with it rarely."
Yeah, but she keeps increasing those odds! lol
I mean rewarding idiot behavior is...well...idiotic.