Woman Lost Disability Benefit Because of Facebook

If you're on a long-term disability because of depression, perhaps it's a good idea not to post photos of yourself having fun on Facebook:

Nathalie Blanchard has been on leave from her job at IBM in Bromont, Quebec, for the last year.

The Canadian Broadcasting Corp. reported Saturday she was diagnosed with major depression and was receiving monthly sick-leave benefits from insurance giant Manulife.

But the payments dried up this fall and when Blanchard called Manulife, she says she was told she was available to work because of Facebook.

She said her insurance agent described several pictures Blanchard posted on Facebook, including ones showing her having a good time at a Chippendales bar show, at her birthday party and on a sun holiday.


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Lol, she got what she deserved.

Depression is a chemical imbalance, often enough... which would be better solved with pills or therapy. Going to a strip club and looking at naked men is not a long-term solution for being depressed.

Too many people take advantage of "free money". I am so sick of it. Whether public or private, someone still has to pay to support you.

If you are well enough to function on vacation, you are well enough to go to work. Just because something makes you a little uncomfortable shouldn't mean you are exempt from it. I think I speak for everyone who has ever had a job when I say "work sucks".
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In the USA if you are on SSDI they look at the aspects of can you perform the job you had or one of similar requirements and that you are trained for...along the same pay lines. That is why if you make a large salary and pay in more you will collect more. SS also takes into account your age when they do reviews. They seem to know...unlike the rest of our politicians that there is such a thing as age discrimination. So if you are disabled for 6 years and they review you at say age 59 they know even if your condition has improved you are unlikely to find a job and salary even close to what you had. Cutting you off would be a death sentence. You paid in at a certain level but people think you should go flip burgers at minimum wage. I don't have a clue to the situation with this woman. I do know that to all who are spewing venom you are one day away from her shoes. Most who are on disability despise being on it. It is a death sentence in itself. You not only lose probably a job you loved but you lose your financial future as well. I can tell you it is not any fun dealing with a mental condition. Most of us will lose a lot of friends when we tell them what is wrong with us. Some of us will lose all of our friends. If the woman was faking it the Dr's will get to the bottom of it.
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It's a double edge sword. If they think you're ok they stop supporting you for temporary relief. My Dad suffered like that for years because he was afraid of losing support for his family. :(
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It says at the end of the article "Manulife wouldn't comment on Blanchard's case, but did say they would not deny or terminate a claim solely based on information published on Web sites such as Facebook." It's likely this was just "fuel for the fire" and there is a lot more to it.
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