Dear Blockbuster Member,

David Thorne is at it again. The guy who tried to pay a bill with a picture of a spider and suffered through a surprise apartment inspection now has overdue video rentals. The correspondence between Thorne and Blockbuster Video goes about as you'd expect (if you can't dazzle them with brilliance...), but there is a delicious twist at the end.
Dear Megan,

With the possible exception of Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, the movies were not worth watching let alone stealing. In Logan's Run, for example, the computer crashed at the end when presented with conflicting facts and blew up destroying the entire city. When my computer crashes I carry on a little bit and have a cigarette while it is rebooting. I don't have to search through rubble for my loved ones. The same programmers probably designed the Blockbuster 'returned or not' database.

Link -via Digg

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Ha ha! That's hilarious! This sounds like my spouse and how he finagled debt payments. Funny part is I think he is telling the truth the majority of the time. Thank you for this.
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