Archive for November 16th, 2009

Brits Advised to Spend a Penny on Their Gardens

The National Trust is encouraging their gardeners to urinate on bales of straw.  A three-meter-long "pee bale" has been established at Wimpole Hall; gardeners visit the bale when nature calls (and when visitors are not...

Dear Blockbuster Member,

David Thorne is at it again. The guy who tried to pay a bill with a picture of a spider and suffered through a surprise apartment inspection now has overdue video rentals. The correspondence between Thorne and Blockbuste...

Leonid Meteor Shower Tonight

Tonight's event is predicted to be "strong" with a couple dozen meteors per hour visible in the United States, several hundred per hour in Asia.  This pales in comparison to some historic Leonid displays - The meteor s...

In Cold Blood, 50 years Later

On November 15, 1959, Herb and Bonnie Clutter and two of their four children were murdered in Holcomb, Kansas. This crime was later chronicled in Truman Capote's book In Cold Blood and in four movies. The Guardian takes...

15 Inventions Inspired by Science Fiction

Some of these are obvious - cell phones, satellites and the atomic bomb - but I had no idea that Home Theaters and EBook readers had anything to do with scifi.Probably the most famous scene in the second Aliens movie...

On Top of the World's Tallest Building

[youtube=] [YouTube - Link] This amateur video shows us how small everything is compared to the mighty Burj Dubai, the tallest building in the world. From the Upcoming ueue,...

Olympic Sport Suggestion: Parkour

Photo: geishaboy500 [Flickr]Neatorama's own Johnny Cat has got the best idea concerning the Olympics that I've heard in a long time. Here it is, in his own words:After some dull moments in beach volleyball, I realize...

USB Computer Prankster

Forget the whoppee cushion. Pranking has gone hi-tech with this USB Computer Prankster that will turn caps lock on and off, make random mouse movements, and type out random text: Handily, the Prankster features a tim...

Gerbil Shirt

From Totally Absurd Inventions, which lists "America's Goofiest Patents," here is the Gerbil Shirt: The Gerbil Shirt wraps your torso in plastic tube passageways, making your bod a super highway of fun for...

Blogging Ain't What It Used To Be ...

In her blog 11D, Laura McKenna wrote about how the blogosphere has changed since she started blogging six years ago. The post is from July 2009, but many of her points are still relevant...

Crochet Jägermeister Bottle

I love this crochet Jägermeister bottle made by crafter Yummy Pancake. You can find more crochet goodness at PlushYou! where Kristin Rask of Schmancy posted an interview with the crocheter (a pharmaceutical project...

Heatin' Ana Beatin' Welding Service

Billy Mays may be gone, but the spirit of salesmanship lives on. For instance, just take a look at Glen "Amazin Blaze" David Thornton of Heatin' ana Beatin' Welding Service.By the end of this short video clip,...

Bull Leaping

For some reason, the good people of Spain really like horned, charging mammals involved in their sports.  From the classic (yet controversial) bullfighting matches to the Running of the Bulls, and now an old traditi...

10 Cross-Dressing Disguises That Shouldn't Have Fooled Anyone

The Kids In The Hall were probably most successful at pulling off the female disguise, although they weren't trying to fool anyone.  Their skits occasionally needed women characters, and their delivery was a perfect ble...

Dr Grymm's Eye Pod Victrola

It may be surprising, but that is a modified iPod, with a working dock and speaker.  "Dr. Grymm" designed the steampunk modification, and has more photos on his Flickr set. Inspired by Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein, h...

Pokemon Marriage Proposal

(YouTube Link) How else would one propose marriage to the woman with the world's largest Pokemon collection? Especially if you met her at a Pokemon competition? JC Fletcher writes for Joystiq: When...

Augmented Reality Lets You Try on Virtual Clothes

Image: Tobi, screen capture by Fast Company The online clothing store Tobi lets you upload a picture of yourself and then try on different outfits superimposed on that image. In Fast Company, Kit Ea...

Throne Made from Nintendo Cartridges

Photo: Erick Kwiecein This throne, according to Internet rumor, is seven feet tall, can be found in Tokyo, and is made entirely of Nintendo game cartridges. To be really useful for gamers, it needs to have a built-...

Early Sound Amplifiers

Photo: Noise for Airports Noise for Airports has a gallery of early sound amplifier/locator technologies. He quotes a 1939 issue of Science News Letter about these efforts: The picturesque tr...

CSI Image Enhancer

Anyone who takes digital pictures gets a real kick out of how crime investigators on the CSI TV shows use their computers to zoom in and enhance photographs, as if you could really zoom in to just a few pixe...

7 Badass Vikings

Most people outside Scandinavia would have a hard time naming more than two Vikings if you asked them. Sure, you're familiar with Eric the Red and his son Lief Ericson, but have you ever heard of Egil Skallagrimsson, who...

Science Fiction Velvet Paintings

Image: Rainbow Handicraft Charlie Jane Anders of io9 has assembled a gallery of sixteen velvet paintings with science fiction themes, such as Yoda/Elvis, Kim Jong-Il as a Sleestak, and the great Wesley Crushe...

Progress on Space Elevator Technology

For over a century, space exploration enthusiasts have proposed building an elevator into low earth orbit using a very long cable stretching from the surface of the earth into space. Huge technical (particularly materia...

Brush Furniture

Photo: Jason Taylor A few years ago, British designer Jason Taylor created a furniture set made to look like bristle brushes. So far, he's made two tables and a trio of stools using this theme. http://www.designb...

Three Wolf Moon Shirt Parodies

The Three Wolf Moon T-Shirt, an example of the spontaneous crowdsourced humor in the comments, has spawned many parodies, including Virginia Woolf, Worf, and Rowlf. Josh Rachford of Urlesque has comp...

50 Facts About the 50 United States

Sure, the boring facts about states have been drilled into you by teachers and history books over the years. You might even remember all of the state capitals. But here are 50 trivia tidbits that you probably didn't le...

Pigeon: Impossible

(YouTube Link) Walter Beckett, a junior CIA agent, receives a briefcase that controls a nuclear missile. The hand-off goes smoothly, until a pigeon gets trapped inside. Pigeon: Impossible is a six-minute...

Bionic Butt

His friends call him "the man with the bionic bottom." Ged Galvin permanently lost control of his colon after a motorcycle accident. But surgeons moved one of his knee muscles to his colon and attached electrodes to it...

Algae and Light Help Injured Mice Walk Again

Scientists are working on unconventional methods for controlling neurons in the brain. In one such experiment, a mouse's behavior was controlled by shining a light directly on its brain! But this was no ordinary brain -t...

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