From Totally Absurd Inventions, which lists "America's Goofiest Patents," here is the Gerbil Shirt: The Gerbil Shirt wraps your torso in plastic tube passageways, making your bod a super highway of fun for...
Billy Mays may be gone, but the spirit of salesmanship lives on. For instance, just take a look at Glen "Amazin Blaze" David Thornton of Heatin' ana Beatin' Welding Service.By the end of this short video clip,...
For some reason, the good people of Spain really like horned, charging mammals involved in their sports. From the classic (yet controversial) bullfighting matches to the Running of the Bulls, and now an old traditi...
Most people outside Scandinavia would have a hard time naming more than two Vikings if you asked them. Sure, you're familiar with Eric the Red and his son Lief Ericson, but have you ever heard of Egil Skallagrimsson, who...
Photo: Jason Taylor
A few years ago, British designer Jason Taylor created a furniture set made to look like bristle brushes. So far, he's made two tables and a trio of stools using this theme.
His friends call him "the man with the bionic bottom." Ged Galvin permanently lost control of his colon after a motorcycle accident. But surgeons moved one of his knee muscles to his colon and attached electrodes to it...