Old Bumper Cars Turned Into Real Cars

Photo: MR38 [Flickr]

Flickr user MR38 has a nifty photoset of bumper cars modded into street legal mini cars (complete with real license plates!) as seen during the annual Cruisin' Grand festival in Escondido, California.

Does anyone know who made these bumper cars?

Link - via nowthatsnifty

From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by ninigoat.

Update 11/13/09 - The creator is Tom Wright. Benchrace has a neat story about the bumper cars: Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Article at CoolThings - Thanks marn!

I'd worry about how safe that thing is(n't), since it's so small other drivers would have a hard time seeing it, even if they're actually paying attention to their driving (pretty rare where I live).
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This has got to be the coolest thing I've seen in years. I am a member of our local car club and I was thinking "How cool would it be to drive up in one of these at the next cruise-in?" Where can I find out more about these cars - drive train(s), bodies, registration (I live in NC)?
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