Medical Researchers Working on Regrowing Breast Tissue after Mastectomy

Scientists at the Bernard O'Brien Institute of Microsurgery in Melbourne, Australia, are developing an implantable device that they hope will regenerate lost breast tissue. In The Daily Telegraph, Bonnie Malkin writes:

During the world-first trial surgeons will implant a chamber containing a sample of the woman's fat tissue into the chest, which will act a "scaffolding" into which new breast tissue will grow.

"What we are hoping to do in the next two years is develop a biodegradable chamber so that the fat can grow inside the chamber and then the chamber will vanish naturally," Dr Marzella said.

"Nature abhors a vacuum, so the chamber itself, because it is empty, it tends to be filled in by the body."

Dr Marzella said the new breasts would feel normal to the patient.

The trial is believed to be just the second time in the world tissue engineering has been carried out in a human.

Link via Popular Science | Image: NASA

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this is the greatest news!! I'm 27 and recently had a mastectomy because I had breast cancer. I always secretly wished this option existed - thank God for those scientists who might one day soon make it a reality, even if not for me, for women going through this in the not too distant future!!! AWESOME!!!
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I thought that pig bladder was being used to build scaffolding for this very purpose. It's biodegradable. I have had autologous breast reconstruction. I'm glad I got to have a tummy tuck to put my belly fat to better use, but it was a painful process.

The pig bladder stories I've heard were about re-building the esophagus after esophageal cancer and rebuilding the tip of a finger that had been cut off in a woodworking accident. My question at the time was, "what about breasts?"
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I was heartened to read about this research.

I’ve had one breast removed and reconstructed and although I am very happy with the results I do sometimes wonder if, when the day come to have the implant replaced, if scientists won’t have figured out how to fabricate a droopy looking fake one.

In the meanwhile, I just tell people “it’s the perky one now.” :- )
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