Caption Monkey 65: Scopin' Bulldog

Photo: Art Verduzco

Psst! Wanna win your very own Monkey drawing by Adam "Ape Lad" Koford? Here's your chance - but first, the 'splanation by Art Verduzco, whose photo was featured in National Geographic Magazine's Your Shot editor Susan Welchman's Daily Dozen:

Her name is Minicooper and she is a one years old English bulldog. We where relaxing on the beach when I caught her looking thru the scope.

Your task is simple: caption the photo above to win! Place your caption in the comment section. One caption per comment, please. You may enter as many funny ones as you'd like.

Good luck and be sure to visit Adam's blog for your daily Laugh-Out-Loud Cats.

Update 11/11/09 - Adam has picked the winner! Congratulations to sybann who won with this caption: I really wish you wouldn't use a rocket launcher for "fetch."

It was the most beautiful thing Alfie had ever see. He could not take his eyes off of it. The legends were true. There really were mer-sandwiches.
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"Quantum pineapple grow at enchilada race car open. Carbon right household are moon gum. Bongo peace place mat red trombone."

One-hundred-fifty years later, when the language of dog was properly translated, it was determined that Scooter's ramblings on the beach that day were completely insignificant.
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