Jilted Bride Turns Wedding Into Party

34-year-old Teane Harris of Bensenville, Illinois had planned a big wedding, but it was called off when the groom backed out only a week before the big event. Harris and her mother were told it was too late to get their deposit back for the reception. What to do? Harris decided to use the facilities and all the wedding supplies to throw a party for the Asbury Court Retirement Community.

Just like that, the Halloween party planned for the 340 residents at Asbury Court turned into a lavish banquet, with a sumptuous meal, elegant flowers, sparkling masks right out of a masquerade ball, and a disc jockey who kept the mood lively.

"We knew we weren't going to be getting our money back," says Harris, during a phone interview from Hawaii, where she followed through with her honeymoon trip. "So after doing damage control and not wanting anything to go to waste, we looked for somebody who would benefit from it, and we saw the retirement center."

Asbury officials still marvel over the turn of events, and of the selfless act by Harris. On Friday, they mounted a marquis sign thank you to Harris to show their appreciation.

"It was out of the blue; she knows no one here," says Eric Haugan, resident services director. "And yet when she came to the party herself, she had all these grandmas wanting to give her a hug. She just broke down."


From the Upcoming ueue, submitted by Geekazoid.

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Wow, what a fantastic gesture. I think that this young woman and her family are a model of gracious behavior. So impressed! Wedding Supplies are not inexpensive and she turned what had to be a terribly hurtful situation into one that benefited others.
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What a great idea and what a great way to make the best of a bad situation. Kudos to Teane Harris. I agree with Scotchdrnkr in that the best thing to happen to her was that idiot running out on her.
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