With the advent of competing browsers came some fierce loyalty to one brand or another. Some people would go as far to say they "love" their browser of choice. That got Grace Smith thinking. If you had to marry a web browser, which one would it be, and why? She put the question to her Twitter followers, and got many responses. Some examples:
I'd marry Firefox, but I’d like her to lose some weight and stop complaining when I accidentally call her Google Chrome.
I imagine I would start by dating Firefox, but come to realize she is high maintenance and run off with Safari.
It would have to be Opera, still barely touched and very innocent but with some great hidden features.
Netscape is my MILF!
I would marry FireFox, but every once in a while have a fling with Safari (For the looks) & Chrome (For the performance).
Can’t say which one i’d marry but I’d divorce IE6 in a second.
IE makes promises it doesn’t keep.Safari is unpredictable and incompatible. Firefox hogs the resources. I think I’d be single.
Firefox, though I have to admit, I’ve had several affairs with Safari. *shamefaced* But I’ll always come back to you, Firefox!
Please delete me if/when I'm ever noticed...