6-Year-Old Girl with Brain Cancer Hid Love Notes for Her Parents to Find After Her Death

When 6-year-old Elena Desserich was diagnosed with brain cancer, she began hiding hundreds of little love notes around the house for her parents to find after she was gone. Here's the story:

Just before her sixth birthday, Elena Desserich (right) was diagnosed with brain cancer and given 135 days to live. She lived 255 days, passing away in 2007. After her death, Elena's parents, Brooke and Keith, found hundreds of notes from Elena hidden around the house -- in between CD cases, between bookshelves, in dresser drawers, in backpacks....

"It just felt like a little hug from her, like she was telling us she was looking over us"

Elena left hundreds of notes like these:

See more of Elena's notes

Elena's parents, Brooke and Keith Desserich, have now published these notes in a book called Notes Left Behind to fund a non-profit organization The Cure Starts Now dedicated to fighting pediatric brain cancer.

Link to story (book excerpt) over at Today | The Love Notes | Official Website

Ah, this broke my heart, but the story is too touching not to share. Excuse me while I, erhm, dry my eyes. Got dust in 'em or something.

Sorry, but obviously fake!

This means her parents never cleaned up in 255 days? Never found one single note by chance what would have spoiled Elenas hide-and-seek?

Nice and heart-warming story anyway!
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Struck me as kinda bogus. Although it is conceivable that they never once cleaned, you still would think they'd find at least one or two.
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Maybe having a daughter dying of brain cancer put the "make sure the dresser drawers and CDs are dusted" priority way down on the bottom of the list. If my daughter was dying I wouldn't spend time doing any more cleaning than absolutely necessary. Dishes and laundry, tops.
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That is the kind of "Readers Digest" story that my parents loved to read and sob on when they had a subscribtion to that some 40 years ago. I didn't know it was still in existance...
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As an experienced oncology nurse of 15 years I knew as soon as I read ".......given 135 days to live....." it was a hoax. Oncologists, and doctors in general, find it very difficult to give any type of specific time frames to dying pts and for this type of specificity, an exact number of days, is impossible.

Shame on anyone who would use cancer and/or a child to profit.
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Wow. This is such a heart wrenching story. It's irksome to see these negative comments. How would you know if it's fake or not. Why are people so quick to assume the worst?

And the housework thing? What the hell? How would anyone know where or when or how she hid the notes? And maybe they just don't keep house the way you do. Good thing we have all the peopel to pass judgement. I'm sure your lives could stand up to the same scrutiny?
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People that would take the time to leave a negative comment about this posting are the sorriest type of human and it makes me embarrassed that I share the same species with them. When you loose a child it is so horrendous - there isn't even a name for what you become....but there is a name for those neigh sayers and negative posters out there......ugly waste of space.
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Damn, some of you cover every inch of your house on a daily basis, don't you?

The story says the child placed the notes "in between CD cases, between bookshelves, in dresser drawers, in backpacks"

I'm sure there are numerous dressers and backpacks you don't go through all that often, and everything else is perfectly plausible seeing as nobody uses CDs anymore and going between bookshelves is odd for someone that doesn't clean that thoroughly.

The 135 days convert to about 4 1/2 months, and it's possible that the doc may have said something like "she has 4, maybe 5 months" but the parents put it down to 135 days. Either way, doctors often give estimates. That's why people are always saying they were given so-and-so many months of life left. They're all estimates. I'm sure the doctor didn't say "your daughter has 135 days left, exactly."

It's very low to make these accusations without knowing anything about the parents. And it's very very low and despicable to imply greed when they are donating the money.
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This story would have to be true. Why would anyone use their child and post her picture if it wasn't That is just asking for bad KARMA
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Look i think we all cant believe what we read or see now thanks to balloon boys family! What happened to reading a heart wrenching story and actually taking it to heart and believing it.. God forbid something like that ever happened to one of my kids but it would definitly help me through if they were to do something like that!
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My gosh you people... Is it so hard to believe a good thing once in awhile? Have we become such critics that something that means the world to two people has become a "stunt" for publicity and book money? I might agree that there is alot of screwed up individuals out but come on people. 135 Days is an issue? Try roughly four an a half months, does that sound better to you? I agree with Shannon, this is rediculous. Even if there are some points that could be false, on the slim chance that it is real I think you people need to stop and think-- what if it was your child? What if it was your nephew or niece? What if it was someone who you loved? Would you be so skeptical then?? God bless that little child and her parents. I for one could not imagine loosing my child.
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doctors don't pinpoint time to live. this story is twisted around. I really doubt you would tell your 6 year old she's going to die in 6 months???
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I can't believe what I'm reading in the comments. Whether it is true or not, what if it is and you're talking about this little girl who suffered and died at such a young age.It is not that unbelieveable that a little girl who is dying might want to leave something behind for her parents. I would think that she would leave them towards the end of her life, not when she first discovered she was sick. Have a heart people! The procedes are going to charity and research....
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It is very sad that this little girl passed away and even sadder that her parents read these ugly comments that people write on here. Who cares if the little girl left a few notes or hundreds, they lost their little girl and the common sense thing to do if you have any heart is to feel for them.
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I have a healthy six-year-old daughter who does this exact same thing. Yeah, maybe hundreds of notes are exagerrated, but even one hidden note is very touching.
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Oh yeah, and one more thing, thanks to everyone else who has responded positively to this, they are the only ones that have restored a little bit of my faith in people's kindness and good hears.
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Sorry people, but this is why the world is the way it is...because of you cynical bastards out there. We live in such a sad society anymore....and it's because of you all who wrote terrible thing. I actually pitty you all, and I hope you never have to go thru something like this!
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Read the book before you are so quick to judge. It is the most beautiful, inspirational story. I hope her parents don't read these comments and they make billions and billions of dollars off this book.
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To all the negative nellies...I saw this story on CNN last week. I'm pretty sure they would have checked to make sure it was legit before putting it on the air. I feel sorry for all of you that are so cynical that a story like this couldn't touch your heart. I think it's an amazing story of a young girl's courage and my heart goes out to her family. Losing a child has to be the worst pain imaginable.
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if my child was diagnosed with brain cancer and given 135 days to live, I doubt I would think about cleaning my house. My entire goal would be to spend time with my child and live each moment to its fullest. So to all of you who say that her parents didn't clean their house for 255 days, you are probably right, why on earth would they waste time doing that, when they could of lost their child any day.
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OK. maybe the book just got published then they're writing this. Not that they just found the notes and saying that. Get it?

Book is published. Then they announxe the notes.
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You people are disgusting. Even if you thought it was fake why would you expose yourself as having zero character on a comment board. Seriously folks. Get a life.
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Who knows if it's real or fake, you can't tell from this short article. So many of your comments are based on a few words. Read the book and get the WHOLE answer, don't be so quick to judge. Maybe they were finding the notes before she even died but not all of them. The world is cynical, that's how it goes. Maybe if it is a fake, it's ok...because the proceeds from the book are going to help fight pediatric cancer. Don't be so negative!
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if you actually read the article you would have noticed that the book was a non profit one used to help fund the research behind pediatric brain cancer you moron and its sad that that is what you post about instead of the actually story about parents losing a child.
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Well from my own families experience we DID have a doctor tell my aunt, uncle, and 10 year old cousin that he had less than a year to live. He was diagnosed with Metachromatic Leukodystrophy. He handled it with such wisdom. The amazing thing is that 10 years later he is still here! I think this is a heartwarming story. I used to leave little love messages around the house. I think I need to get back to doing that again!
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There is no god, religion is something slapped upon you at a young age in a way to control you and contribute your money to there "business" wake up
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This story is very emotional but as for anyone thats saying this is bull... you dont know that for sure and these kind of things happening are not impossible, Maybe this little girl knew she was going to die and she loved her parents so much that she wanted them to have a reminder of that. Even after she died. I believe it.
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Raises a lot of questions "135 Days" to live, How none of the notes were found, and the like... But, BUT That is where "Artistic License" comes in - Even in Life Stories... Some of this could be true, just embelished to make the story better...
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#1 have to agree with cuervokate. doctors dont give exact days to live. #2 how would she put notes out just before she died if she doesnt know exactly when that will happen? #3 hidden in dresser drawers? even if you dont do regular cleaning of house, doing laundry would cause you to go into the dresser to put clothes away. remember this is a 6 year old. #4 same for the back packs. mom would go thru the back pack every day after school to see what is going on in school. that is the nature of parenting these days. sorry, but in 8 months they would have found at least some of the notes. even if she didnt put them out until the day before she died, where were they stored for the last 8 months? come on people, take the blinders off! sorry about someone losing a small child, but this is B.S. from the start. look at the facts not just the sad story.
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Seriously, whether its true or not leave negative comments off. If these people are lying their judgement day will come. We, as a society, should learn how to keep negative things to ourselves. If you don't believe the story-keep moving. Don't ruin the moment for us.
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You people calling this fake, just remember Karma comes around. Have some respect for this sweet child and her family. This is heartwarming and touching. Beautiful story.
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Who really cares if it the entire story is true or not? The parents are posting about their child, who died from brain cancer. The benefits from the book they've created go to benefit children with brain cancer. Kids are the greatest gift one can receive and I cannot begin to imagine what it is like to lose one. Let each grieve in his or her own way and if you don't like it, you don't have to read about it - just leave the nice stories for those of us who like to think that there is a little bit of good out there, somewhere.
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I may have believed it if I hadn't seen P.S. I Love You and I find it hard to believe a 6 yo would understand what was happening to her enough to leave "hundreds" of notes.
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Look, somtimes you dont notice what a loved one is doing untill they are gone she may have done the whole note thing her whole life and it dident truly touch there hearts till she was gone not to say it wasnt cute while she was alive my kids do all sorts of things its like finding there toys all through the house if I payed attention were my son leaves all of his toys I am sure he will leave them in all my fovorite places that I like to relax only because thats where I am and he likes to be near me i wouldent have payed attention to that untill I read this story or unill he was no longer in my life ( I pray not )seriously think about it
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I expected people to say something other thank clean house. You obviously didn't read this very well. Who seriosly dusts inbetween every single CD and book?????????? This kid was smart and this story touched me to know end. Probably because I think my daughter would do the same thing.
This story should touch everyones heart. It is so hard seeing a child die in front of you. I couldn't even imagine. People need to get a heart!!!
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The fact that they are donating the money to a good cause and the fact that they do say "in between CD cases, between bookshelves, in dresser drawers, in backpacks", not sure how many people clean between this places on a daily basis, but come on people!!! Have a little heart, the story is nice and its not being put out so people can judge it.
This is what is wrong with this world, anything that is said gets judge. Not good. No wonder we are the way that we are.
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Wow, way to be a jerk. How would you count the time to your child's impending death? Days, months?
Maybe you don't have a 6 year old running around the house. I know the one running around my house right now is prolific in the notes and pictures he leaves scattered everywhere for us. And yes, I think it is possible that if something awful were to happen to him (heaven forbid) I would spend the months to come finding those notes and pictures. He sticks them everywhere.
As cheesy as it is, I am glad they have done something to remember their daughter, esepcially for her sister's sake. Nothing like being raised in a house where the 800 pound gorilla in the room concerns your sister's death, and how no one ever talks about it.
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Did any of you ever stop to think that maybe they did find some beforehand? Maybe they just didn't talk about it and left them be til after her death? Regardless, what a sweet sentiment for a six year old to leave! Their is no greater loss than that of a child! Those of you who are critics, you're heartless!
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My god, people are idiots. Obviously they've never had a loss or suffered grieving and depression. When something this horrible happens, its a struggle to do things-- to wake up, bathe, mow the lawn. That's NOT even in the realm of what they're thinking about unless they make a powerful and conscious effort to do so, as in cases when focusing on mundane tasks as a means of distraction. Has anyone here ever heard of despondency? The kid had cancer and all a troll can think is "vacume and dust-- fake! Ha ha!" ??? Geeze, no wonder I hate humanity
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Here you go...all you needed to do was GOOGLE...this is the news story about this darling little girl and the parent's book in hopes to raise money for this cause...YES people are terrible!!! This is a true story about a special little girl!

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I agree that these are some really strange comments from people who don't know if they're cynical assumptions are correct. If they are correct, then I humbly apologize, but I could believe this is trued because I know that kids do things like this.

I'll check it out on snopes.com and submit it if it hasn't been already...
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All a scheme by the media. You probably read this and forget that the government put together the 9-11 attacks. "People are easier to control in groups" - Barack Obama
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If the parents were making this book for their own profit I'd say hmmmm, but it's for a non-profit organization The Cure Starts Now dedicated to fighting pediatric brain cancer. It's to help people who have a life a threatening sickness. Stop all the detective work people. let it go.
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Days, monthes, come on, doctors do tend to give estimates when they can and that's just nitpicking.

As for doubts about them not finding them before, well I doubt she would have known her own time was coming so well as to do it in one big go just before. They never said they only found such notes after she died or that it came as a surprise to them. I have to imagine she had started hiding the notes awhile back and they started finding them before she died. That doesn't make the statement that they found hundreds of notes after she died false nor does the fact they it wasn't a total surprise reduce the comfort it must have been to her parents.

So, of course, it's been exaggarated, nothing in the media isn't spun in some way, but it's not like this is a fabrication.
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For all you people who think that the parents did this for money...do a little bit of research to see wtf you're talking about. These people lost their precious daughter to a horrendous disease.
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You people are ridiculous. Ms. Oncology Nurse, did you happen to do the math on the 135 days to live? That's about 4 and a half months. I love how everyone is saying "Doctors don't give timelines." uhm yes, they do. Maybe not the doctors you have been in contact with, but some do. I've lost both my parents to cancer and guess what, doctors told us the approximate timeline for both. You don't know everyone and their stories. Not everyone in this world is bad. These people have lost a child, be compassionate!
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I can't believe some of these comments. The proceeds of the book go on to help fund a "non-profit" organization to help fund brain cancer research for kids morons. It's not like they are going to make any kind of fortune off it. Any parent or anyone with even air in their head knows nothing can fill the void of losing your child. The people who posted these negative posts are a bunch of idiots.
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I think its a great story! my grand mother recently died and did the same thing, leaving notes in very obscure places. I think it had to be tough for the parents to find the first few notes, but after awhile, it would be something to be proud and smile about.
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Doesn't seem outrageous to me. The story doesn't say that she starting leaving notes as soon as she found out...so why do people think that these notes were sitting around for 255 days. For all we know they could have been done within the last week.
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Y'all such idiots. if you want to complain, start a new location. Didn't your parents ever tell you "if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all"? Seriously people, think how the family must feel,esp. after y'all think they were lying. Give them some space!!

I liked the article. Love and prayers to the family who is going through this rough time. <3
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Some of the comments you people have left are terrible and you should be ashamed of yourselves - How sad that they lost their daughter. May God give them comfort and hope that they do not read all these nasty comments from you. May God also give you some common sense and a heart because you can all use it.
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for those who say they are selling that book with her notes in it for profit, didn't u notice that it's for a non-profit organization to help find a cure? Even if it is fake then at least they are doing it to help other people!!!
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My husband died of cancer on December 26, 2007. A couple of months later my son and I found a song he had begun writing in the back of the notebook where we had all the bills listed. Quite honestly, I had looked at this notebook numerous times and never found the note. Same goes for a nother note he left me. I have to agree with the guy who said you just don't do a whole lot of searching and cleaning when you are losing someone you love. And to the guy who said shame on you for using a dead girl to sell books - my understanding is the proceeds are going to a good cause. Not much different from the christmas cards designed by kids. I think it's great that they kept the notes - whether they found them before or after losing their precious daughter. Shame on you people for being so callous and not seeing the sweetness in this
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it's hard to say something nice till it happens to yourlittle girl it happened to mine the out come was better though because she was able to be operated on and is doing fine after three years she also left notes to me so hats off to them
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Did u guys ever think that maybe the doctors didn't know EXACTLY when she'd die, but her parents forced them to make an educated guess so they could plan for the future, and remember whether the article is fake or not, this is on YAHOO. Not all the facts are going to be perfect!!!!! ><
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Who cares whether it is true or not, the money goes to an organization to help fight brain cancer. If you don't agree with making money for that then don't buy the book. Jeez
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the little girl must of known she wasn't going to make it, so she just started leaving little notes everywhere, i thought it was really sweet. And for all of you negative ass people look in that black hole and i hope you find a heart or a soul or something!!!
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First of all Cuerovokate, your experience as an oncology nurse really means nothing. I too have been a nurse for many years. Worked at many hospitals covering oncology. Just because where you work no Dr would say that doesnt mean somewhere else one wouldnt. Everyone should have a little courtesy for those around them. Who cares if you believe it or not, grow up! Worse case senerio if it wasnt true and least it touches the heart, at least for those who have one. Take your negativity and keep it in your own private lives there is to much of that going around as it is.
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This is not a story. This is real life. This 6 year old had the wherewithall to look into the future, and unlike most adults cannot and will not do.

I feel sorry for those who are disgustingly cynical what a world you live in. Shame on you for not believing in what this beautiful child left for her precious parents.
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I cannot believe some of you fucking people! What if it was YOUR child who died? I'm sure you wouldn't want people saying some of the things that some of you assholes have said. Not only is that just wrong, but it's as disrespectful as it can get. Have a little respect for not only the sweet little angel who passed on, but for her family as well. Some people just should not be permitted on a fucking computer!!!!!!!
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Don't any of you people have a heart?! A six year old dies, a book is being made with the proceeds going to a non-profit organization to help others going through the same thing, and some of you people go around criticizing the parents?! What a bunch of pricks you people are. The only thing I'd like to offer to you people is the Gift of BOFA - BOFA my nutz.
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This is such a sweet and touching story. I bet the parents cry constantly for the daughter they have lost and to find a love note from her is like her speaking to them from beyond the grave.
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I believe that no one is here to judge! Leave that job to the Boss. May all your negativism be forgiven by GOD. Even if the story were not to be true, they are raising money for a cause that could have perhaps saved their daughter's life. Quit hating, just bacause you have a miserable life, doesnt mean that you have to spread all your negativism around the world. Haters!
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Wow, i seemed to have forgotten how truly pathetic people can be. The posts about this article are outrageous, pin pointing the most trivial things, but leaving out the fact that a 6 year old little girl has passed away. Her parents have suffered a great deal, and I for one, feel for their loss. Put yourselves in their shoes and then come back and comment. How accurate the story is about the number of notes being found, or when they were found after her pasing DOES NOT over shadow the fact that their little girl is gone. GROW UP PEOPLE!
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I think they are probably exagerating when they say they found hundreds of notes, but it is totally possible that this story is partialy true. My brother died on a car/bicycle accident at age 7 and after he was gone (and yes, my mom used to clean the house) we found in every drawer and every corner of the house something that reminded us of him. We try to put away the big stuff, but you will be surpeised of how much of a kid can left behind (small toys, paper wraps, etc.), in this case without being planned. Plaese feel compassion for this folks. Read the story and try to imagine how hard it is for a parent to lose his/her child. And yes, after the child is gone the smallest of things will remind us of them.
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when i read I don't feel like it was fake at all, its pretty sweet of the little gurl, if its real.
If its bs then y wood there b another family tryn to get attention off their child?
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This was the sweetest story.Bless her heart for being so thoughtful to help her parents get thru a difficult time.I would only want to be so lucky to find a note from a love one gone on.
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