Simultaneous Translation Glasses

Photo: NEC

NEC is developing a gadget that will translate spoken words into text displayed on a user's eyes:

The prototype device called a “Tele Scouter” is a glasses type display that translates the foreign language being spoken by a partner and projects the translation onto a tiny retinal display.

The device mounted on an eyeglass frame consists of the retinal display, front-mounted camera and microphone, but doesn’t perform the translation itself. Rather the microphone picks up the conversation and transmits it to a portable computer worn on the user’s waist. This computer in turn transmits the information to a remote server, which is responsible for carrying out the heavy processing of converting the speech to text, translating it and sending it back to the wearable parts of the system to be displayed on the retinal display.

Link via DVICE

Ah yeah great idea, but shouldn't we be working on that Universal Translator thing that actually speaks to you. Walking around or driving while reading is the reason we don't like texting.
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I'll watch some Dragonball Z in Japanese without subtitles, and when I watch with my friends, they'll ask me "Erik, what did Vegeta's scouter say about his power level???"
I'll scream "It was over 9000!!!!" and as I crush my expensive new translation device, I'll power up and destroy everyone in the room.
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dang it I knew I chose the wrong time in the world to be an Arabic major.

With such rises in technology I'll be out of a job sooner than later. Hopefully not before I even get one!
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Deare Sir Madam
Hello from baghdad .
My name is Neda M. Shukur . Im a translator and a an artist. I was brought up and educated in Leeds , England.
Now I work in the Ministrym of Culture in baghdad. My question to you is that do you run samualtaneous translation courses by any chance ? I ahve taken part in many simualtaneous conferences held in baghdad . There are only few 9of us that need such intensive couyrses from English into Arabic.
many thanks in advance Neda M. Shukur
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