(YouTube Link)
Some of these videos have been on Neatorama already, but some haven't. Matthew Moore of The Daily Telegraph has compiled twelve of the worst and funniest parking accidents that can be found on YouTube. In the above video, a driver tries to pass over the undercarriage access space at an oil change business -- but misses.
Link via Ace of Spades HQ
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That was funny?
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My oil change place never lets the owner of the car drive into the shop but if it's beyond your abilities to do it you shouldn't have a license.
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steel grates makes a lot of sense. obviously the driver totally screwed up, but they made it quite easy to become a big problem.
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And people wnder why I don't want to get my license renewed. I am terrified of the idiot drivers out there. You wouldn't believe how many almost accidents we've seen every single time we go out on fridays.
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The Jiffy Lube employee there was clearly giving hand signals to himself. At first it looked like he told the driver to go the wrong direction.
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