Surprise Homecoming

Fourth-grader Hannah Eschrig got a surprise on the next-to-last day of class at her school: her father, Air Force Master Sgt. Joseph Myers returns early for a surprise homecoming.

Matt Woolbright of My San Antonio has the story:

Myers' reunion with 10-year-old Hannah was his second of the day. He reunited with his 19-month-old daughter, Adison, just before surprising Hannah.

Adison didn't know how to react, burying her face into her mom before uttering, “Hi, Daddy,” and bringing tears to many of the people there.

Hannah's class was interrupted when Bessette announced that some friends would be talking to the class and taking pictures. When everyone was in place, mom and dad walked in.

Hannah's expression and instant tears drove her mother to tears as well as she watched her daughter and husband reunite.

“I was so excited, I couldn't believe it,” Hannah said. “I don't really remember what happened because I was just so happy.” | Watch the heartwarming video (Photo and video by John Davenport /

Update 11/3/09 by Alex - I replaced the unattributed video with the original source over at My San Antonio News - Thanks Michael Knoop!

I liked that, but yes, I did have a moment of thinking it was shamelessly public. I think the part that disturbed me was the "this video is for sale" message at the end.

And really, XuYu, you show your ignorance when you post silly trolling comments like that.
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Wow, hoping that a father beats up his own 10 year old daughter for something she wore? Without a doubt one of the sickest and most disgusting thing ever posted here, and I've seen them all.

Yes this is touching.

But hopefully they'll bring all the troops home from this pointless insanity. No American lives are worth losing over something thousands of miles away.
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Does the fact the he came from a pointless warzone, where he stupidly put his own life at risk, make this a touching video clip ?

Would it have been just as "touching" if he came back from a holiday or a 2 month long cruise to the caribbean?

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The war zone may be pointless, but I would think that after the horrible way our veterans were treated after Vietnam, we would realize the difference between supporting our troops and supporting a war. This past week we had 3 soldiers come home from Iraq in our town. The 5 year old son of one of those men is in my daughters class. When I went up to that little boy and told him how happy I was for him that his dad was coming home, he lit up. We owe a debt to these soldiers and their families for what they do. These families risk their children, spouses, and parents so that MY family doesn't have to. I may not agree with the politicians, I may not agree with the war, but I'm damn proud of our soldiers, and their families. As for videotaping that moment, I would hope that the tears of this little girl would show people how much these families sacrifice for the rest of us.
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So instead of busying himself in killing Iraqi families or suppressing the incredibly reasonable opposition that they have against the continued military occupation of their country after no WMD's were found and its dictator is long gone he is actually HERE, surprising his daughter.
What a waste of time.
I feel for the child but I also feel for the children of those who will never come home due to his efforts. It's too bad some of them are so poor they cannot afford webcams.
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I agree with you Candace. In fact I have multiple friends in the Army that have served in Iraq and Afghanistan. I have sent them care packages, as I have done so for others stationed overseas (through those send a soldier a package websites).

I support our troops, and have never said anything derogatory towards them, but at the same time I don't support the current conflicts. That is my right.
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I am not crying, it's just something fell on my eye.

*sniff* *sniff*

Why don't we bring back all the mommys and daddys from Iraq.

That would be change I could believe in...

But NOOOO! stupid people in charge have no balls!
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Yes, we all know people voluntarily join the military, but does it make it any less heroic? No. Is it that little girls fault that she misses her Dad? No. Some of you guys are jerks, really you are. If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please, feel free to stand in front of them. Liberal or not show some effing decency!
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Why did I get the feeling that this was set up? I mean this girl came off like a child star, either her generation are all this camera savvy or this was faked. Also, she must have wondered why someone had been training a camera on her the whole time she was in class (also known as the "reality show surprise conundrum")

If real then this should be a private moment between father and daughter, doing this in front of the class and videotaping it for the internet shows extremely poor taste.

If fake then all these people commenting are being manipulated, some of whom may have loved ones in Iraq or Afghanistan as well as the others spouting pro-war slogans like "If you don't want to stand behind our troops, please, feel free to stand in front of them" (now at least two major Facebook groups by that name).
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My husband has been deployed for 7 months, stationed away from home but on U.S. soil. We get to see him every 8 weeks. We have it easy compared to others - but there is no denying the joyful tears in my kids' eyes when he visits, and the sobs every time we take him back to the airport.
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Well sheeple, there are definite trends in terms of what people film and post on the internet so that it can become the latest video hit.

A big one is the filmed marriage proposal.

Another one (not as much lately, thank goodness) is the wedding procession/wedding dinner choreographed dance extravaganza.

And of course the military member on leave surprises family member is the latest trend.
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Can a few people on here have a nice touching moment without you crapping all over everything? Take your agenda elsewhere please. And regarding your staged comment. I suppose it could be staged. You may not be aware of this right now, but many people have family over in Iraq and it's quite common for schools to adopt these little video projects so the troops can see their kids and the kids can work out some of their feelings about the whole thing. It's actually intended to be a deliberate exercise. But I'm sure you MUST see some bigger conspiracy we're all missing, because I'm sure that this could only be propaganda. No, kids don't cry when reunited with parents after years of separation, never.
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"Also, she must have wondered why someone had been training a camera on her the whole time she was in class (also known as the "reality show surprise conundrum")"

Kids aren't THAT hard to trick you know. They still work under the assumption that humans tell the truth by default.
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I like the fact that she is so happy but I wouldn't do that in a public place. It seems a little embarassing cause lets be honest, one of those kids is a bully and will surely make fun of her.
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'Vietnam had a draft. This is an all volunteer army.
They are not doing it "so we don't have to". No one had to.'

So if no one had volunteered we just would have said "oh well, better luck next war!" Really?
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Geekazoid, I couldn't agree more with your the trends in Internet videos. Thank goodness that "reaction to two-girls one cup" trend is way in the past.
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I'm happy for this girl, but I wonder if the Iraqi's who lost entire generations of their family were this moved upon hearing the news they would not in fact be welcoming their family members home.
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To those of you shitting all over this....

You obviously have NO IDEA what it's like to have a family member in a war zone. My husband has been active duty in the USAF for over 20 years, he's damn good at his job, and he doesn't get to pick and choose which wars he has to fight in. He honestly does "do it so you don't have to."
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I've been in a military family my whole life. I've had close friends come home in boxes and I've had family leave for long periods of time. This video really is touching. For all of you liberals, understand what Candace is saying. You don't have to support the war, but you sure as hell should support the soldiers that are risking their lives for it. A good soldier follows orders, whether or not those orders take him to a war-torn country that we helped rid of an oppressing and psychotic leader. It's fantastic that you stupid hippies still don't appreciate what this country does for you. God bless everyone who has someone dear in that horrible place. Bring em on home!
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Some of the comments made by cowardly so called Americans made me sick What kind of animal would not be touched.Sometimes the people that this country produces make me ashamed.Liberal cowards that dont deserve to live,that want everything handed to them.They do nothing to deserve living in this GREAT country.That little girl brought tears to my eyes,unlike the unfeeling slobs who wrote these cold comments,I was moved.
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Funny how those who get upset over what they perceive as negativity and stereotyping of the military, are doing yet again the same things themselves. What does being a liberal or political affiliation have to do with support of troops? Ridiculous.
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To all the Haters.

You have done nothing to prevent anything and continue to do nothing. You are the problem. And for those of you who would question how many the soldier has killed, how about the number of people killing each other in that/those countries? Enough said on that subject.

A father has returned home to his family. Certainly, the best outcome for this scenario.
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Isn't that cute, a child welcomes her "killer" Dad home. You American's sure know how to pull on the heart strings. It makes me want to gag.

How heroic slaughtering and torturing. Soon your own greed will have you killing each other, and the world would chuckle if you were the only ones effected.

Henrietta Burns
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