Archive for October 28th, 2009

Starfish Bulk Up to Cool Down

How do starfish keep cool when lying on the sand during low tide?  Dr Sylvain Pincebourde and colleagues at the University of California, Davis and Bodega Marine Laboratory, Bodega Bay, California, studied starfish (oka...

Smile or Suffer the Consequences While Wearing the Happiness Hat

(Video Link) Lauren McCarthy created the Happiness Hat - a gadget that detects whether or not you're smiling. If you're not, it drives a small metal spike into the back of your head to encourage to you resolve that...

Borax Crystal Spider and Cthulhu

Natania had already planned to make slime and ectoplasm for Halloween when she came up with an idea for crystal-encrusted Halloween decorations. Get some pipe cleaners and some borax and make your own with her recipe...

Vampire Reunion

(College Humor link) What if all our favorite pop culture vampires got together in the same room? Pretty much what you'd expect.Funny, halloween, vampire, dracula, Twilight, The Count...

Playable Electric Guitar Shirt

(YouTube Link) The Electronic Rock Guitar Shirt isn't just a t-shirt. You can actually play music on it. Use a magnetic pick over the string markings and press down on the frets with your other hand. There's also...

Entrance Found to Underground Lunar Tunnel

It has long been suspected that there are underground tunnels and caverns on the moon, presumably the residua of lava tubes.  Now a group of scientists led by Junichi Haruyama of the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agenc...

The Geezer Bandit

Have you seen this old man? He's the "Geezer Bandit," a serial bank robber than has robbed three banks so far (once while carrying an oxygen tank!):Authorities say he walked in to a Bank of America branch i...

Company Forgets Court Date, Loses $1.26 Billion in Default Judgment

A legal secretary at PepsiCo forgot to deal with a lawsuit notice that came across her desk. Consequently, PepsiCo's lawyers did not show up to court when expected. The presiding judge summarily handed down a $1.26 bil...

Robot Alarm Clock Flees From You When You Try To Turn It Off

(YouTube Link) Vadim Ryazanov built a robot that rolls away from you as you reach for it. He calls it "Mr. Wake." As soon as the alarm goes off, an IR sensor on the robot turns on. The robot is programmed to move...

Town-Sized Optical Illusion

Photo: Today and Tomorrow Swiss artist Felice Varini is known for his massive art installations that show different images depending on the viewer's vantage point. Recently, he created an optical illusion that covere...

The Greatest Treehouse in the World

Photo: ZuZu Top Horrace Burgess of Crossville, Tennessee built a treehouse 97 feet tall. Its 8,000 square feet of floor space is spread over 11 stories. The house is built around a tree 80 feet high and 12 feet wide...

A Font Designed With E. Coli Bacteria

Image: Jelte van Abbema Dutch designer Jelte van Abbema created a typeface out of e. coli bacteria. Cliff Kuang wrote in Fast Company about how he did it: Van Abbema created the font by stamping bacte...

The Meat Hand

Perfect for Halloween, this dish is a regular meatloaf made into the shape of a hand! Not Martha has the instructions for several different versions, depending on how badly you want to creep out your dinner guests. L...

The Amazing Sculptures of Fabio Viale

If you took a look at the larger version of this sculpture (left), you'd immediately conclude that it was made out of Styrofoam.  As impressive as that would be, the real mind-blower here is that it's actually marbl...

13 Tombstones

The Haunted Mansion attraction at Walt Disney World features tombstones inscribed with the names of real people. This series of posts called 13 Tombstones tracks down who those people are -mostly Disney employees wh...

Murder mystery party guests fail to spot actual crime!

A church group staged a murder mystery dinner theater in Yeovil, England on Saturday night. They spent the evening looking for crime clues, but failed to notice that thieves had taken a large TV, laptop computer and the...

Inside the Vicious World of Competitive Yoga

The 7th Annual Asana Yoga Competition was recently held in New York. New York Magazine has a glimpse at the extreme poses competitors used to impress the judges. Link -via Buzzfeedyoga, competition, yago pose, contor...

25 Scariest Moments From Non-Horror Movies

IFC compiled a list - unlike everybody else's list this year - regarding scary movies.  Sometimes, as you're watching a comedy, science fiction, or drama flick, they pull a fast one on you, and the next thing you know y...

Pulp Fiction Audio Remix

Here's a nicely done audio remix using sound elements from the movie, Pulp Fiction.  It incorporates beats using sounds like soap being slapped into the hands of Jules and Vincent, the smoke alarm, the Wolf han...

Facebook Etiquette Rules People Still Break

With new users joining every day, many people either don't know Facebook etiquette or they don't care. The Golden Rule, and treating people as you would treat them offline is a good start, but just in case, here are some...

14 Cool Examples of Bandage Design

List of cool bandage designs including bacon, beef, comics, duct tape and more.Next time you have to dress a wound why not dress it up? They say that laughter is the best medicine so why not cheer yourself up with a...

Comic Book Character Costume

Image: Tasha Marie An artist from MAC Cosmetics painted a woman as a comic book character for Halloween -- right down to the dot printing style of old comics books. Or, alternatively, as a figure from a Roy Lichtenst...

Silver Playing Cards

Silver Playing Cards - $9.95Don't play poker with those b-o-r-i-n-g playing cards! Check out these: a deck of silver playing cards that will surely liven up your next poker night. It's a guaranteed winner!Newly listed -...

10 Neat Facts About Ferrari

Quick: what comes to your mind when I say "Ferrari"? A line of gorgeous (and exorbitantly priced) supercars? Formula One racing? How about mule-shoeing, World War I flying ace, and the H1N...

Congrats, Hanan: Grow-a-Brain Grew a Baby!

Congratulations to Hanan Levin of grow-a-brain and Stella on the arrival of his new baby: Adora "Nyunyu" Levin, born October 18, 2009.Hanan wrote me: People who knew me would never have thought that at 56 I...

Grieving Chimps

Photo: Monica Szczupider / National GeographicWhen Dorothy, a beloved female chimp died at the Sanaga-Yong Chimpanzee Rescue Center in Cameroon, her burial was witnessed by the rest of the chimps residing there.Monica Sz...

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