Father Kidnapped Daughter's Killer to Bring Him to Justice

What would you do if someone killed your child, and authorities refused to extradite the suspect? Here's what one father allegedly did:

A retired accountant whose daughter was killed 27 years ago was facing charges last night over the alleged abduction of the man he always blamed for her death. The man was left bound, gagged and injured outside a French courtroom.

André Bamberski, 72, is suspected of taking justice into his own hands over the German authorities’ failure to act against Dieter Krombach, a German cardiologist, after a French court convicted him of manslaughter in his absence.

Mr Krombach, 74, was found trussed up with head injuries in a lane near the criminal court in the eastern city of Mulhouse on Sunday after an anonymous caller with an Eastern European accent tipped off police. Mr Bamberski, who is of Polish origin and lives near Toulouse, was in Mulhouse at the weekend and is suspected of making the call, police said.

Link (Photo: Remy Gabalda/AFP/Getty Images)

Do two wrongs make a right or is Bamberski - if he did do it - justified in kidnapping the alleged (Update 10/26/09: alleged/convicted - there's controversy about this) killer? What would YOU do if it were your child?

I love it. It may be far from a happy ending, but there is a reason that people find vigilantism fascinating. I wonder what I would do if someone were to hurt one of mine. Could I be as restrained as this chap?
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I'd say this is completely justified seeing as the man is was already convicted in a court of law. The man may have committed a crime, but I think he is prepared to pay any penalty for it as long as the murderer is forced to pay his penalties.

If it was me I may have used the Dexter, "plastic wrap and bone saw," technique, so I think the scum bag murderer could be considered lucky that the man just wanted to bring him to justice rather than bring justice to him.
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As long as he was 100% sure it was the right guy... good for him. I admire him. As pointed out above: he wasn't the "alleged" killer, he was the CONVICTED killer.
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Re: alleged/convicted controversy update:

Convicted in absentia, so Krombach is a convicted killer there ... but alleged according to German law because the court there has ruled that the death was accidental.
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It would be easy for me to say I'd kill one of these worthless, hopeless monsters that enjoy raping children. But I have to wonder if I really could do it, or just wind up trapped by my own mores, impotent to enact real justice.
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He has my respect. Like others have said, I'm not sure I would have shown the same restraint. I can't imagine the hell this man has been through over the years knowing that this monster was walking free. I hope the courts show the same restraint that he did.
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The U.S. government sanctions military incursions onto foreign soil to arrest sitting despots! What's wrong with this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Nifty_Package
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It isn't a kidnapping. It's a non diplomatic extradition.

The murderer is lucky he didn't get the medieval 'justice' my emotions would have driven me too had I been in André's shoes.

'Cause that would truly be illegal...
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This man wants the sentence beeing executed (prison, no death penalty in Europe).
This man wants justice, not vengeance.

To all of those claiming that they would have killed the convicted murderer: morally, he is right, and you are wrong.
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"To all of those claiming that they would have killed the convicted murderer: morally, he is right, and you are wrong."

To all of those claiming that they would have killed the convicted murderer: You are a bunch of T.V. watching, fat ass, dreamers. You would have just kept watching T.V. and kept getting fatter, and kept dreaming about your action hero fantasy heroics. This guy didn't spend a lot of time sitting around his computer dreaming about what he would have done. Most people would, more than likely, just hire a lawyer and try to make a few bucks off of the tragedy.
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B.M.: This guy didn’t spend a lot of time sitting around his computer dreaming about what he would have done.

Maybe he did just that. His daughter's murder happened 27 years ago.

To all of those claiming that they would have killed the convicted murderer: You are a bunch of T.V. watching, fat ass, dreamers. You would have just kept watching T.V. and kept getting fatter, and kept dreaming about your action hero fantasy heroics.

And you know this how?

B.M.: Most people would, more than likely, just hire a lawyer and try to make a few bucks off of the tragedy.

What do you base this theory on?

Nobody knows what they'd actually do. We all like to think we'd exact our own brand of justice but fortunately most of us will never be faced with this type of decision. I do however doubt we'd sit, watching TV and then hire a lawyer to make money off the death of our child. You B.M. are nothing but a troll and a cretin.
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"“…a French court convicted him of manslaughter in his absence.”

I’d say that makes him a CONVICTED killer, not an ALLEGED killer."

I would have to agree with you there. Even if it were a kidnapping case, I think that he showed enormous restraint and simply followed up on what the Germans should have done previously, extradited the murderer.

I don't think I could restrain myself in this manner.
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God B. M. Your name says it all. A stream of trolling Bowel Movement based on prejudice and ignorance.
So you think all people who had a great personal loss would try to benefit from it?
You are a sad little worm with a twisted sense of judgement. You would be the likely to do the things you claim others would do, other wise it would not have come out of that gash you call a mouth.

I'm with Gramps on this one. He caught the guy and had the reasoning that killing him would make him no better than the prick who killed his daughter. He is a better man than most.

Really B.M., It's nothing about what WE would do or not do. Maybe your fat ass dorito munching ass needs to turn of Law and Order and develop some social skills. What a dick.
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I agree with D Bozko on his appreciation of B.M.

I think what this guy did is awsome. If it were to happen to my little boy...I think I would loose my mind and set the basterd on fire.

Justice done.
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Grandnom - sometimes the pithy comments are the best.

I doubt that any of you would have the balls to do what this father allegedly did, never mind actually killing the guy. Of course B.M. is a troll, but at least he's almost making sense for once.
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i know we all (me included) wish we had the balls to kill people who kill who molest or kill our kids, but all you have to do is read the newspapers to see that very, very few of us have any balls.
the sooner we show some guts and start getting rid of the molesters, rapists, dope peddlars (yes they are killing your kids too), and the lawyers and judges who keep putting them back on the streets, the sooner the world will start being a better place to live
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"Really B.M., It’s nothing about what WE would do or not do. Maybe your fat ass dorito munching ass needs to turn of Law and Order and develop some social skills"

That doesn't even make sense, maybe you should develop some writing skills.
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B.M. obviously has no children, hence her does not feel the intense sense of protection germain to this situation. I sense his comments are best directed at him(or her)self.
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Its a shame that german justice is not willing to procecute german citizens because of their political historical background.
Its a shame that their is in Germany no political will and readiness to attend cases whereby german citizens have a clear criminal background but an obscure relationship with german authorities.
Its a shame that in the EEC it is still possible to withhold delivery of condemned persons to other natios of the comunity where procecution took place.
Its a shame: Germany, and germans never learn. For instance a deep hurting issue which is symptomatic for the foregoing: Where did and still do most of the WWII criminals live freely without any type of procecution? Exactly, in Germany.
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I have one boy, one girl and one on the way and I can honestly say I would hunt the guy down and do the same thing this father did.

I don't have it in me to take a life. Why rob my children of their mother because I let my emotions and anger get the best of me?

Killing the sick bastard make us no better than he is.

André Bamberski did the right thing.
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