No-English Traffic Ticket

Can't speak English? You better not be pulled over in Texas ... Nearly forty people have gotten "no-English" traffic violation tickets:

The Dallas Police Department said it was embarrassed by what it calls a mistake by rookie Officer Gary Bromley after he stopped Ernestina Mondragon for making an illegal U-turn.

In addition for being cited for the U-turn violation, Mondragon received another ticket for being a "non-English speaking driver."

Dallas Police Chief David Kunkle issued an apology:

"We don't have abilities to determine proficiency in any language, and we shouldn't be doing it in the first place," Kunkle said. "I apologize to the Spanish-speaking Hispanic community."

After a review of the records, Kunkle said about a half-dozen officers had issued a total of 38 similar citations. He said police would recommend to the courts that any pending cases be dismissed.


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Well she did get off for the u turn violation. I live in the DFW and have heard DPD speaking on it. And now she is asking for money from the police department. Her attorney, Domingo Garcia, former mayor pro tem of Dallas, has filed a complaint with the city and she's asking for $5,000. For what? What did she have to stay in the hospital for over THIS?! See it how you will. No on stepped on her civil rights. There IS such a law. He just misapplied it. Like I said, she has now gotten off scott-free and will now most likely get money out of the deal. Damn... who'da thunk it.
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Some people when they look at half a glass of water, they see it half full. Other people look at half a glass of water and say, "Hey! Who drank half my water!"

I couldn't find where it said she got off for the U Turn violation. Perhaps that was part of an arrangement to avoid an expensive civil suit. If that's the case, I think the citizens of Dallas got off cheap. I don't see how she is getting preferential treatment seeing as her civil rights were violated.
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Why, thank you, Mitch. American tax payers includes many different races, though. Even hispanics! I just feel that so long as anyone is to live in any country, working there and working to become a citizen of that country, they should try to learn the language. That statement actually goes into a whole other realm of the lady not speaking English. More of the idea that I have paid thousands of dollars having my children and raising them and many illegal aliens are here having children for free and then either lying to the system so that we are paying for them and their children or completely ducking it. And yes, there are many Americans that will do the same thing. I have unfortunately seen it. It just sounds like this lady has come here, had some American children and she now gets by without having to learn English since she is given preferential treatment due to the fact that she hasn't bothered to learn English well enough to tell a cop that she was performing an illegal u-turn because she was late getting her daughter to school. She also could have requested a Spanish speaking officer. I'm sure she didn't want to do that, though. I wouldn't have wanted to sit and wait, either. So does that mean that we should all have to learn Spanish so that we can acomidate the Spanish speaking community? That just seems completely ridiculous. My main gripe about her case is the fact that they dropped all of the 3 tickets issued to her. Ok, drop the one that should have never been given to her, but make her pay the other ones! She broke the law and needs to be held accountable!
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although I agree that a ticket is not warranted for not speaking english, neither is any other consideration because you don't. in other words, no preferential treatment. if you have any questions about what rights are guaranteed to you, read the Constitution and Bill of Rights. If you have trouble reading it, learn english.
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@MommaO, who is the "we American taxpayers"? I didn't
know all the Hispanic people I've ever worked with didn't get taxes deducted from their checks. Damn, I'm
so jealous now that them made more money than I did. Thank you so much for telling me. You're a smart lady!
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