Colors of the World's Flags

Media designer Shahee Ilyas has created pie charts showing the colors of the flags of over 200 nations.
Using a list of countries generated by The World Factbook database, flags of countries fetched from Wikipedia are analysed by a custom made python script to calculate the proportions of colours on each of them. That is then translated on to a piechart using another python script. The proportions of colours on all unique flags are used to finally generate a piechart of proportions of colours for all the flags combined.

Embedded on top is a screencap of a portion of the display, alphabetically arranged (Afghanistan, Albania...); the original at the artist's website will display the name of the country when a mouse is passed over the pie chart.  The larger pie chart on the bottom is a composite of all the colors from all of the flags.

Via The Life and Times of Michael5000, who notes that the color violet/lavender/purple is notably absent from world flags (as is gray).

Comments (12)

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Yes, really Ted. Art itself is subjective. Personally, I thought it was an interesting project.

Also, duplicates are not always bad. Especially since the original is over 2 years old. I would not have seen this had it not been posted again. Thanks!
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Ted, yeah, pointless, like all that art, music and video games out there. Horrid, really, that people waste their vaulable time on such petty things rather than trying to solve real issues like World Hunger.
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