Themes From Scary Movies

Quick, think of a piece of music from a scary movie.

If you could think of seven different themes, chances are a few of them are on Cinematical's list.

One of the seven is one of my favorite movies of the genre, Poltergeist, music by Jerry Goldsmith.
Jerry Goldsmith previously contributed a classic horror theme with his score for Richard Donner's Omen, but this one, not unlike Komeda's work on Rosemary's Baby, runs counter to expectations that horror movie music needs to be naturally dark or heavy to be menacing. That said, the children's chorus that sweetly and innocently provides a theme for the film's young protagonist – ironically, sort of the conduit for both its "monster" and heroine – is at once wholesome and terrifying, creating a similar sense of unease and eventually terror as the kids embody the film's themes of childhood swallowed by a mysterious and terrifying world.

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I love listening to themes from scary movies around this time of year. There are also some pretty good "scary themes" that come from movies that are not strictly horror movies (though these movies are pretty intense, too; hence the scary themes).

A couple of examples are:

Incident At Isla Nublar (Jurassic Park)-John Williams

The Kraken (Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest)-Hans Zimmer

BTW, the song from Hocus Pocus is called "Come, Little Children".
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