Rosie the Riveter Bookends

Rosie the Riveter Bookends (set of 2) - $34.95

Here's something quite neat for your bookshelf: a pair of matching Rosie the Riveter bookends, made from heavy-duty stone resin. The bookends, created by Chris Collicott commemorate the spirit of the machine age and honor the hardworking ladies who worked in war factories during World War II.

You can count on Rosie the Riveter bookends to work diligently in keeping your books organized and neat!

From the Neatorama Shop:

Comments (15)

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Newest 5 Comments

LOL Skipweasel! Maybe it should be Suzie the Spanner lady. And thank you SenorMysterioso for the background info on Rosie the Riveter :)

The bookends proved to be quite popular - we've sold out within hours.
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